The Wednesday List
We may not be traveling but that puzzle, above, gave me an opportunity to visit Doors of the World, one piece at a time. It was definitely a challenge but it reminded me of so many gorgeous doors I’ve photographed myself in cities like Dublin, Paris and London, and made me really appreciate the places I’ve gotten to see. I hope there will eventually be many more. Meanwhile, I’m starting on a Floors puzzle. Windows next?
Speaking of Ireland (!), Michael and I discovered Trivia on Amazon Prime, and are hooked. It’s a half-hour show about the members of a small-town Irish pub quiz team, and it’s got a Detectorists feel, which was exactly what we were looking for. We’ve been missing The Durrells of Corfu – so much so that I actually ordered Gerald Durrell’s book, The Corfu Trilogy.
My friend, Kim Tackett, has been creating amazing quarantine collages which just may inspire you to get creative yourself. I hope she decides to put together a book of these because they’re fantastic, and I look forward to seeing her new one every day. Her work is a source of beauty and inspiration.
Alanis Morissette has also gotten creative during the pandemic, releasing her first album in eight years, Such Pretty Forks in the Road. The women are killing it during this time, and Alanis joins Taylor Swift and The Chicks on my on-repeat playlists. This video of her singing her beautiful new song, Ablaze, from home on The Tonight Show with her daughter in her arms, is everything.
Women authors are also providing comfort and entertainment. I breezed through Caroline Leavitt’s WIth Or Without You and R.L. Maizes’ Other People’s Pets this week. What are you reading?
I’m filling my calendar with virtual events, and you may want to join me for this one: In September, Amy Gigi Alexander is offering a 4-week self-guided class, The Traveling Sisterhood: A History of Travel Writing by Women, and it’s only $50. I’m so excited about this and can’t wait to be introduced to some new writers.
Okay, one of my favorite finds is this SubPark Parks Instagram in which artist Amber Share illustrates real-life complaints about National Parks. For example, Petrified Forest National Park was reviewed as “Basically a desert with dead trees” and Denali was called a “Barren Wasteland of Tundra.” Accompanied by her gorgeous illustrations, these quotes are just hilarious and so misguided, and I wish she would make jigsaw puzzles out of them!
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Until next week,
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