san diego restaurant week

I just came back from a press conference for one of my favorite events of the year — San Diego Restaurant Week. This year, it runs from September 21-26, and more than 200 restaurants will be offering three-course prix-fixe dinners for $25, $35 or $45 per person and/or two-course prix-fixe lunch menus for $10, $15…

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Woman of Style: Edith Wharton

Totally hooked by classics like “The Age of Innocence” and “The House of Mirth,” we already knew literary master Edith Wharton had substance. The first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize, Wharton nailed the hypocrisy of upper class conventionality with her scathing portraits of the turn-of-the-century New York society into which she was born as…

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Amelia Earhart, Freckle Cream and the Power of Signature Style

I have always been fascinated by Amelia Earhart. I’ve devoured countless books about the adventurous aviator, listened to Joni Mitchell’s haunting “Amelia” on repeat for hours and, after being terribly disappointed by the movie version of her life, seriously considered writing my own screenplay. If my firstborn had been a girl, there’s a good chance…

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