“weiner” movie review
It feels appropriate to end my 2016 movie reviews with Weiner, don’t you think? This has been a year of crushing disappointments in both politics and male behavior, and Weiner is the perfect representation of both.
It feels appropriate to end my 2016 movie reviews with Weiner, don’t you think? This has been a year of crushing disappointments in both politics and male behavior, and Weiner is the perfect representation of both.
I knew, from the minute I saw the trailer, that I would adore this movie. And, boy, did I. For me, Puzzle is this year’s Maudie; in other words, it’s (so far) my favorite movie of the year.
My daughter went back to school today to start her senior year of college. Before we dropped her off at the airport, though, she asked me a question that still haunts me: “Did you ever decide what your most beautiful body part is?” I know I have to give you some history to put this…
We cheer every time we see these words on a t-shirt, so we were thrilled to learn the origin of the quote in a new book named after it. Historian Laurel Thatcher Ulrich — author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning “A Midwife’s Tale” — coined the expression in a scholarly article more than 30 years ago,…
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are, as always, 100% mine. Although you’d think we’d be past this by now, single women still seem to be stigmatized in most cultures. Even in the United States, women who aren’t married by a certain age are considered “spinsters.” In China, that certain age is 25, and…