“hearts beat loud” movie review
Sometimes you just need a feel-good movie, and, right now, Hearts Beat Loud is that movie.
Sometimes you just need a feel-good movie, and, right now, Hearts Beat Loud is that movie.
I’ve discovered some great items lately, and I know they would make other people just as happy to receive them as I was. So, because it’s only Tuesday, I want to share these with you so you can still order them in time for Christmas or a late Chanukah celebration. I can personally vouch for…
Okay, I have read and listened and sat back and watched all the controversy regarding The Help. I, too, read the book when it first came out. My Mom sent it to me, and said she was interested to hear my perspective because I’m a white woman married to a black man. She explained that…
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. My friend, Susan, and I were discussing washing machines the other day when we stopped, turned to each other and said, “How can we be at a point in our lives…
As I’ve shared with you, I recently went through an anti-reading stage. I don’t know what happened, and it felt horrible, but, for months, I had no interest in picking up a book. I’m still not sure if it was just that I was preoccupied with a million other things or if my attention span…