off to #experiencebuick at the final four!
Look at this awesome bag Buick sent me in preparation for my trip to the Final Four! It almost made packing fun. Almost.
Look at this awesome bag Buick sent me in preparation for my trip to the Final Four! It almost made packing fun. Almost.
In Indonesian, “laga” means beautiful, and Laga handbags — which you can find on the arms of many celebrities — are absolutely worthy of their name. We remember seeing these bags on Oprah, and “ooh”-ing and “ah”-ing not just over the gorgeous designs lovingly embroidered by the women of Indonesia but also over the amazing…
In Part 1, my incomparable bibliotherapist, Rachel, recommended some fascinating but pretty heavy reading to get us through the coming (four) year(s). Here’s Part 2 of her suggested reading list. Start ordering these books now — and while you’re at it, pick up one of those new weighted blankets to read under. Maybe they’ll help…
You know how people who don’t cook love to watch The Food Network? That’s how I am about organizing. I’m a Peter Walsh groupie, I’ve watched every episode of Clean Sweep and am now hooked on the OWN Network’s Enough Already. Yet my clothes closets look like something out of Hoarders. Okay, that is thankfully…
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are, as always, 100% mine. In honor of Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year, I thought I’d share a really cool story of how iZettle helped six of Britain’s smallest businesses open their own flagship store in London – for 12 hours each.