what really happened to your loved ones on 9/11 by michael mark
To those of you who lost loved ones in the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, here’s what happened in their final moments.
To those of you who lost loved ones in the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, here’s what happened in their final moments.
I’m publishing these three posts (here’s Part 1 and Part 2) from my bibliotherapist, Rachel Stevenson, all in a row because I think, together, they form an extraordinary statement about our times. They also provide a powerful reading list of books that reveal our country’s past, present and possible future. I hope you’ll delve into…
If there was ever a time we all needed our bibliotherapist, this is it. Yesterday, I posted Part 1 of Rachel Stevenson’s book recommendations for getting through the dark period of history in which we are now living. Here’s Part 2. (Check out Part 3 here.)
Many of you have been asking when we’ll have another session with my bibliotherapist, Rachel Stevenson, especially with the devastating events of the past few weeks. Books can go a long way in helping to make sense of the world, to learn from history and to find ways to cope. As this beautiful image, above…
Thanks to Natrol Cognium for sponsoring this post. All opinions are, as always, 100% mine. Michael and I have this game we play with each other called, “Can you guess?” It goes something like this. Me: Oh, that movie you liked is on later. Him, staring blankly: Me: You know, the one about the father…
Thank you to Ted’s Pain Cream for once again sponsoring this post and, more importantly, for continuing to make me feel better. Since, after trying Ted’s Pain Cream, I have been waxing poetic about founder Dr. Ted Price, I thought it would be good to actually get to know him. So, everyone, meet Ted. Yes,…
Thanks to Artisan Books for sponsoring this post and teaching me how to cook. All opinions and failed dishes are 100% mine. It’s no secret that I don’t cook. So I was wary about doing a cookbook giveaway — until I saw the book itself. The Haven’s Kitchen Cooking School is beautiful but there are…
I realize this may shock you — trust me, it shocked me, too — but I kind of loved War for the Planet of the Apes, and found it surprisingly moving. Of course, I was rooting for the apes.