day 7 of our ultimate australian adventure with oprah, in which we sail in a regatta, oprah reassures us we’re there for a reason, and we get to see u2 in concert

For people who are not sailors, we sure had been on a lot of boats the past few days! This morning, we boarded yachts for a private Oprah Regatta around Sydney Harbour, and we even signed up to help out as crew members, as well. Amy was a bit wary – she is a devoted…

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day 5 of our ultimate australian adventure with oprah, in which we visit a kangaroo, walk the red carpet and oprah holds my hand

After a big night of partying, we were up early to have breakfast at our choice of four restaurants. Not surprisingly, we headed back to the Hamilton Island Wildlife Sanctuary to have our chocolate croissants next to the koalas. I was obviously in the throes of a deep love affair. Once breakfast was over, we…

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day 3 of our ultimate australian adventure with oprah, in which we snorkel at the great barrier reef, celebrate an underwater proposal and tool around hamilton island in our own private buggy

The only way to possibly top the magic of last night might be to spend the day at one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Luckily, the Great Barrier Reef was on today’s agenda! After our usual 1000 calorie breakfast, we set out for the marina, where we were welcomed with adorable water-resistant…

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day 2 of our ultimate australian adventure, in which curtis stone serves us dinner, we hang out with all ten tenors, and i make oprah cry

If our Ultimate Australian Adventure had ended after day one, it would have been enough. But, of course, this was an Oprah event so it was only the beginning! We started day two with a lavish breakfast buffet that would set the tone for all our daily activities to come – beautifully presented, more than…

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