Lash Control Pink Squeeze Mascara Benefits Look Good Feel Better in October
We are all about Shopping with a Conscience so we’re thrilled that there are so many great companies giving to breast cancer-related charities this month.
We are all about Shopping with a Conscience so we’re thrilled that there are so many great companies giving to breast cancer-related charities this month.
Finding an activity monitor that does the job but is also as elegant as a piece of jewelry would be practically a miracle, right? Well, cue the choir, because the Misfit Shine is here and it just may transform the fitness gadget industry. The size of a quarter, it’s sleek, simple and sophisticated. It makes…
I got a ticket for talking on my cell phone while driving today. This wouldn’t be the hugest deal except for two embarrassing facts: 1) that I am the cell phone Nazi in my house, always lecturing my husband and kids not to text and drive, not to email and drive, and to only talk…
The only reason I finally went to see Magic in the Moonlight is because I was craving movie popcorn. Other than Blue Jasmine, which was amazing and featured an awe-inspiring performance by Cate Blanchett, and Midnight in Paris, which was an all-around delight, I haven’t really liked a Woody Allen movie in a while. And…
I had no idea, when I got behind the wheel of the new 2017 Hyundai Elantra Limited for the first time, it would prove to be the perfect car for my week-long spa trip through Arizona. Sure, it was beautiful in its Shale Gray Metallic glory but it was so much deeper than that.