5 more books to add to your reading list
In case you didn’t have enough to choose from in yesterday’s post — ha ha ha! — here are five more books to add to your reading list. You’re welcome 🙂
In case you didn’t have enough to choose from in yesterday’s post — ha ha ha! — here are five more books to add to your reading list. You’re welcome 🙂
I’ve been reading like crazy lately – really great, beautifully-written stories about serious topics. Because fall has always been a time of reading lists for me, I’m going to put together a bunch for you, starting with this one. Every single title is perfect for your book club.
If you’re going to invoke a classic Beatles song in your movie title, not to mention a reference hinting of mystery and intrigue, you’ve got to know that audiences are going to go in with high expectations. And that, when they see the movie itself, they’re probably going to be disappointed. The Disappearance of Eleanor…
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are, as always, 100% mine. Remember IKEA’s time travel experiment which I shared with you a couple of weeks ago, in which world-renowned hypnotist Justin Tranz hypnotizes a young couple into believing they’re experiencing the future in IKEA bedrooms and bathrooms? Well, the video was such a success,…
I just came back from a press conference for one of my favorite events of the year — San Diego Restaurant Week. This year, it runs from September 21-26, and more than 200 restaurants will be offering three-course prix-fixe dinners for $25, $35 or $45 per person and/or two-course prix-fixe lunch menus for $10, $15…