S’Mother began as a collection of over 1200 letters I had received from my mother. Some of the letters had remained unopened since the day they first arrived in the mail. One day, I looked at the box of letters sitting uncomfortably in my garage and heard my wife ask me what I was planning on doing with them. I started a blog called, “Please Don’t Eat Sushi! Love, Mom,” where I posted one letter per week, accompanied by a small explanation offering my take on the whole thing. I really just wanted to know if anyone out there in the real world could relate. Within hours, I started receiving emails from people saying they couldn’t believe this! I had to be making this all up. Nope. I wasn’t.
I shopped an outline of a proposed book I called S’Mother to my agent, who secured a book deal for me with Abrams. Now, I’m signed with Reveille and Jack Black’s production company, Electric Dynamite, who will be pitching S’Mother as a 30-minute sitcom! Pulitzer prize-winning author Marsha Norman (who, ironically, penned ‘Night, Mother) is drafting it for the theater!
My mother? Initially, she was mortified that I even KEPT any of her letters. Now, she’s absolutely loving her new “celebrity” life. She often tells people that she had to sign a legal document saying that she couldn’t sue me. But, seriously, she’s thrilled that she gets to meet other inappropriate, overprotective mothers on various book appearances we do together.
In the end, she wins as she now gets to spend even more time with me.
Story #1
Calling all Burlington Coat Factory and Sears advertising execs — meet your new holiday spokesperson.
Adam –
Did you buy yourself a winter coat? Because if you go with Maria to NY in March, it is bitter cold and your pea coat will not be warm enough! You have no time to get sick. Please buy yourself a coat. Burlington Coat Factory has good buys. Also, make sure your tires and Maria’s tires are sound. I will gladly pay for two new tires. One for you and one for Maria. Sears has the best buy on tires.
Story #2
This was one of the most embarrassing phone conversations I’ve ever had with someone I didn’t know from, well, from Adam.
My mother was coming to California from New York for the holidays. There were strong winds in the area, so the plane was going to be delayed by about three hours. While waiting at her gate, she called to let me know that she wouldn’t be landing until after midnight and I shouldn’t worry about picking her up.
“That’s fine,” I said. “Thanks for letting me…”
“Hang on a second,” my mother interjected. Then I heard her say, “Captain? Captain?”
“Listen, Adam, the pilot of the plane wants to talk to you for a second. Here. This is my son, Adam.”
Captain O’Reilly: Hello?
Adam: Hello?
Captain O’Reilly: Hi, this is Captain O’Reilly. I’m here with your mom. (Pause.)
Adam: Is this really the Captain of the plane?
Captain O’Reilly: Yes. Your mom wanted me to tell you that we’re going to be delayed about three hours due to the strong winds we’re having here. She just didn’t want you to worry.
Adam: I can’t believe she got you on the phone to tell me that.
Captain O’Reilly: No problem. Have a great day.
Adam: Thanks.
Captain O’Reilly: Here’s your mom again.
Adam’s Mom: Hello?
Adam: (Dial tone.)
Story #3:
Who needs to see family over the holidays? By the way, Nanny, are you ok? So, Nanny, are you ok? Are you ok, Nanny?
Adam –
Don’t go near Nan until we find out from the doctor why she has a rash all over her body and face! I don’t know if it’s contagious. So stay away.
On a totally different note, read about Lois’ mom, Amy’s mom and Susan’s mom!
I keep your book at my bedside table. All time favorite read of 2011! My son leaves for college in aug. 2012 and though I am proud and excited for him, I am also worried, nervous and a bit sad.
Your book is a constant reminder to keep this journey light and fun. Adam, I can’t wait to meet you someday. You seem so happy, healthy and grounded (especially after what you have gone through) hahahahah. Love that you are such a gracious son and that you have found laughter in your moms insane letters to you. Thank you so much for sharing your story and reminding me to let go and watch my words in all the letters I will be writing to my son when he is away at college. 🙂 Cheers to you and your cute family! Tina
All time favorite read of 2011!!!! Thank you for sharing your story with all of us and reminding me that as my son Tanner goes off to college in 2012 to keep my letters simple and light.
Adam Chester seems like such a wonderful, funny and gentle soul.
I love that he is so gracious to his mother and has found laughter in all her words over so many years. He seems like a fantastic gentleman, husband, father, son and friend. Cheers to Adam and congratulations on your success of S’mother. Tina Newman
I’ve known Adam for several years, having first been acquainted with him as a choir director. His sense of STYLE came through in every arrangement he created for us – FUN, irreverent as often as reverent, INSPIRED, and JOYOUS. What he could accomplish in one rehearsal was nothing short of amazing! His SUBSTANCE comes directly from G-D. Everything he does is touched with LOVE, HUMOR and JOY. Just to witness his performance or presence anywhere, on any stage, in any situation, is to feel that SUBSTANCE working in and through him. His SOUL is truly BLESSED and comes through in every he does. He’s going to blush when he reads all of this, but I’ve not come across a better opportunity or forum to share how he has touched my soul over the years. I am truly blessed to have known ADAM, and cherish all the memories, and I’m overjoyed to see the success that has come his way and which no one deserves more than he does. May God continue to bless you and your family, Adam.
Liz, your check is in the mail.
Seriously…thank you for that! My mother would be proud.
Well they say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I’m not sure how old your kids are, but it will be interesting to hear what they have to say about you. While some of the letters were probably over the top, how nice that she cared enough to write. I’m going to buy the book for my 19 and 24 year old sons, who I’m sure will relate somehow!
incredible…you have NO IDEA of the perfection of timing for this article. Just put my mom in assisted living…biting, kicking screaming and 5 days later, she is so happy and knew this was a good idea SHE HAD…gotta laugh or they’ll drive you to drink…oh wait, too late.
As I was reading this book, I found myself laughing so hard and yet at times wanting to cry. Being a mother of two kids under the age of 12, I could totally see through Adam’s mother’s beautiful heart. I saw myself relating to her in many ways; the only difference is that she acts out on every thought which comes across her mind or heart in regard to her son, where as I (or many mothers like me), keep them bottled up in our heads and worry about them for days and days. I am so glad I read this book because it shows how easy it is to be so over protective of our children and not realize that we are actually crushing them in so many ways by holding on so tight to protect them. Sometimes it’s hard to find that balance. This book let me take a look at myself too. I loved how Adam saw and brought humor to all the letters his mother sent him. I believe his love for laughter and joy for life, and his love for his own kids, let him understand his mother’s actions more than ever now. He is blessed for having this ability to bring a unique sense of humor to it all and I am glad he is sharing them with us. Thanks Adam.