5 more books to add to your reading list
In case you didn’t have enough to choose from in yesterday’s post — ha ha ha! — here are five more books to add to your reading list. You’re welcome 🙂
In case you didn’t have enough to choose from in yesterday’s post — ha ha ha! — here are five more books to add to your reading list. You’re welcome 🙂
One and a half MILLION innocent children died in the Holocaust, and in an effort to honor and remember them, the Holocaust Museum Houston is collecting one and half million handmade butterflies. The project, inspired by “I Never Saw Another Butterfly: Children’s Drawings and Poems from Terezin Concentration Camp 1942-1944,” will become a must-see exhibit…
Runners have a certain grace that comes from challenging their bodies and realizing they can meet those challenges. Girls on the Run is a non-profit prevention program that encourages pre-teen girls to develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles through running. Get involved and help young females realize they literally have the power to run the world.
After laughing over Woof, Buick’s new ad campaign which aired during the Westminster Dog Show last week, I realized just how fitting it is that I’m part of the Experience Buick team this year. Take a look at this adorable 30 second commercial: As you know, I am totally a dog lover. I have been known to let…
You probably haven’t heard of this movie but if you like musicals or you’re a fan of Anna Kendrick — is there anyone who isn’t? — you should see if it’s playing near you.
“Smile Pinki” won the 2008 Academy Award for Best Documentary Short, simply but powerfully bringing to life the devastation of the millions of children suffering from cleft palates and lips – and the amazingly easy way these kids are being helped. It takes only 45 minutes and $250 to perform surgery that fixes the cleft…
Ingredients: A love of French cooking. Six months of training at France’s prestigious Cordon Bleu The determination to bring sophisticated French cooking to mainstream America A down-to-earth approach and unreserved sense of humor Yields: The two-volume, 800-page “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” — considered the definitive culinary tome “The French Chef” – the award-winning…
Do you promise not to tell? Oh, forget it. I’m telling it all myself in this week’s Blogger Idol. Our assignment for Week 7, represented by the video that went viral above, was to reveal a secret, and mine is something I’m genuinely ashamed of. (No, it’s not the fact that I slapped someone, so…