Seriously, Starbucks?
My name has four letters in it and is spelled pretty much exactly like it sounds. Yet it is constantly misspelled. People look at me with blank stares when I tell them my name is Lois – or a light bulb goes on and they smile knowingly and ask, “How’s Superman?” Oh, good one! I’ve never heard that before!
Granted, Lois is kind of old-fashioned but I’m proud to have been named after my grandfather, Louis, and I love that Michael lovingly sculpted it into Lolo when we started going out.
I really hadn’t thought much about my name, though, until a few months ago when my friend, Julia, posted a Facebook status, generously asking her friends to vote for me for Blogger Idol.
Then this happened:
I immediately headed to YouTube to search Lois Fight Song. Watch and be awed:
Those are my people! I am going to be a feisty, sassy, take-no-prisoners, no-holds-barred Lois when I get older! It’s part of my heritage!
I wanted to write about this right away but my new friend, Lois Stanton Van Dahm, sent me a box of Lois Club memorabilia which I will treasure forever but which has paralyzed me for months. You see, these Loises are amazing!
The first Lois Club was started in 1979 by Lois Weston and Lois Millner in St. Paul, Minnesota. It grew to 180 members, and inspired clubs to start up all over the globe. Why Lois? Why not Edith? (Believe me – it doesn’t exist. My mother made me search it.) Because these women are proactive!
As I read more and more about these Loises and their incredible community, I became intimidated. It was important to me to do them justice. I needed to prove I was worthy of my name.
Well, as I’ve gotten to know these women better on paper, I realize what makes them really special is just how proud they are of who they are. They’re comfortable in their own skin and don’t mind shouting it to the world. In fact, they like shouting it to the world. You spell their name wrong, you’re going to hear about it. In public. In a song.
These are women who get things done.
So, no more waiting. I want to thank all the Loises who have come before me and send a giant bear hug to Lois Stanton Van Dahm, who is smart and hilariously funny and warm and giving. She has presented me with the precious gift of a whole generation of older, wiser, funnier sisters. (I’d also like to thank Julia Miles Robinson and wish I had a club for her. Any Julias out there?)

I want to continue their legacy with a new generation of Loises. So if you’re a Lois or know of one, please leave a comment below or email me or sing the song in a YouTube video.
I am proud to be a Lois. Not Louis, not Louise.
Just Lois.
I don’t know any Loises personally, but I do have a close relationship with Lois Lane. Or I did, when I was younger. Loises rule! Except for when Carols rule.
I hit the name jackpot! I am Lois Carol!
No I hit the Jackpot, I’m a LOIS & I grew up in Chicago. Yes, all I ever heard was‘How’s Superman’? I always disliked my name & constantly asking my Mother, WHY LOIS? At my Beautiful Mothers funeral, her 9 Siblings finally told me Lois was her best friend in 3rd grade. I’ve been extremely Proud of my name now for 36 years! YEAH LOISES!
That is so cool. Who knew there were clubs organized around first names. Looks fun.
If my name hadn’t already been changed 3 times I just might consider joining you! xo
I don’t know anyone named Lois, but I understand the pride of ones name and the frustration when people can’t spell it. My name is spelled Rebekah, and I always heard, “Wow – I’ve never seen it spelled that way. That’s clever.” No… it’s the biblical english spelling. Perhaps I need to start a Rebekah club.
Yeah for Lois’ everywhere. We rock!!! I would join. So is there only 2 of us in San Diego? I remember volunteering at Solana Highlands many years ago and one of the student’s name was Lois. I got so excited to meet a Lois under 10 years old!
My mother, Lois Cohen!
The name Lois is beautiful, I pretty much doubt there are more than couple people with my name in this hemisphere Constanza is not quite common.
That is just awesome!
I was named after a mousekateer that my Dad thought was cute.
My granddaughter is Julia. She is 14 with an ancient soul.
People at Starbuck’s don’t know how to spell Robin, either. I get Robyn, Robbin, Robbyn, Robine and god knows how many others. Silly isn’t is.
Love this, and love you and Julia.
Now onto finding a CATHY club. Cause my entire life has been spent saying…no, not a K a C. Argh. Grr. Hrmph. Agh.
As a Katy I have to say I am ALWAYS jealous of people who have less popular, more original names. All my life I have been surrounded by other Katys. Lois gives you some stand-out power. – Katy
I actually know of one Lois, just one. I think it’s pretty cool that there’s a “Lois Club”!
I have known quite a few Loises over the course of my life. I didn’t know there was a Lois Club though!
So many people mispronounce my name…really how is that? I love this post, cute and made me smile.
Oh my…if I had known you were going to post that picture I’d have thought about what I wore to church! LOL. I love both of the women named Lois that I know 😉 And as for Julia? In the late ’60s and early ’70s there were tons of Julie’s. The bicycle license plates and the cool light switches all said Julie. No Julia. Now there are lots of young Julia’s. I like to think I was just ahead of my time. 😉
That is so very cool that there is a club. How fun. I have the issue in that my name sounds different than it is spelled
Im sorry Starbucks spells your name wrong! They have gone out of their way to spell mine wrong too…
Love that there’s a Lois club! And they misspell my name at Starbuck’s all the time, too – Sharron, Sherrin, you name it.
I love the reference to Superman! It’s what I always think of when I hear the name Lois.
What a wonderful story. I am so sorry people spell your name wrong, but glad you found a new sisterhood1
Oh my goodness! This is crazy and ya know what.. I am one of the few who doesn’t know any Loises (except you of course)! 😉
WOW This Is AWESOme Don’t Know Any But This Is So Cool!
I get the y in my name a lot.
This is awesome! I love the fight song. la la la la laaaa, la la la la la. I love it!
I had to favorite that video, I love it.
Oh my, I love this! I don’t personally know anyone named Lois. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever personally met anyone name Lois!
Well look at this club you’ve found yourself a part of and didn’t even know it. Love this!
I love Starbucks, but I have met some interesting characters working behind the counters. Just be glad they didn’t label it “Shar Shar.” 😉
I love your name, Lois! And I love it even more that there is an actual Lois fight song…
Love the Lois Club. That is awesome.
That’s so cool there is a Lois club. My grandmother’s name is Lois.
they spelled it as if it were a man’s name! My mother in laws name is Lois too and she is sometimes called Lou which reminds me of a man’s name too! LOL!
I do know a Lois and she is really great. She’s been through a whole lot but she is the most wonderful person I have ever met. I’m going to show her this!
You have found your tribe!
Lois, Lois & Lois…. Sorry, I forgot to include Lois! What a hoot! So glad to know such fun, crazy, life affirming women’s groups exist.
Love it!
Celebrating women ( like the Red Hats) are about recognizing women as they age! And/or before with Pink Hats! Same idea as celebrating a name ( like Lois!) for women…. Here’s one for ya… though my given name is Kay Frances…. ( not a nick name for Kathleen, or Kathryn, or Kathy, or Katie!) Have only known of 1 other real named the same, a movie star from former years. Wonder what happened to her? Anyone for a real name “Kay” club? Congratulations LOIS! For a namesake club! Cool!
Lois from Family Guy is a badass. I’m seeing the connection. And I love it. I need a Lois in my life. <3
This post made me smile at how many times my name has been mispronounced, mispelled and mistreated. I like the idea of a club for people sharing the same first name.
My grandmother is a Lois…and I can definitely see the personality similarities to the women in the Lois Club! I love this idea and think we should all strive to have a first name club. I’m certain I’d have hundreds of thousands of members in the “Jessica” club. lol I’ve always wanted to have a different name that not EVERYONE on the planet shares!
HI, I write the newsletter for the Connecticut Lois Club. We meet for lunch when there is a 5th Tuesday in a month. We volunteer at Paul Newman’s Hole In The Wall Gang Camp for children with Blood Diseases. We are in the process of having a Lois book printed with the history and picture of each member.
Did you know there is an elephant in I believe Missouri named Lois. There is a gentleman I think Ohio that is also named Lois. If you would get in touch with him I can fill you in on some other things. Hurray! for all the ladies that are named Lois. I was named after my father Louis. I had two older sisters, and I guess my dad was hoping for a boy. My brother came after me but they named him Norman, and then one other sister. How lucky was I to be named after my father.
Hi, I started the Lois Club in Albert Lea,Mn on January 24,1996. Our first meeting had 26 Lois’s attend. We have grown to as many as 46 Lois’s.. Most of the Lois’s are retired now so we meet at noon in the months with 5 Tuesdays. It is a fun group. I was named after Lois from the Bible. I was the 10th child from a family of 11 so my parents were running out of names. I am glad they named me Lois
Love this Lois!
I’m a Lois, too, and have the pleasure of knowing 33 other Loises in the Southwest Florida Lois Club. We meet 3 times a year, range in ages from the mid-sixties to the upper eighties, and are a dynamic group of women.
Yeah for the Lois Club. I joined the South Chicago Lois Club for 10 years then moved to the Southwest Florida Lois Club. How fortunate for me.
Hi! My name is LOIS from the Green Bay Area Lois Club, Green Bay, WI. Our club originated in 1991. We meet for lunch on the fifth Tuesday of every month that has five Tuesdays. We usually have 35-50 Loises attend our luncheons. No officers, no dues …… the main purpose of our club is ‘fun’ and ‘camaraderie.’ Every spring there’s a ‘national’ Lois Club Convention. It’s been held in places such as St. Augustine FL, Tucson AZ, Nashville TN, San Diego CA, Tampa FL, New Orleans LA, etc. Next year it’ll take place in Houston/Galveston TX. We’ve also been on ‘Lois Club’ cruises. Yes, we do quite a bit of singing. Our club’s favorite song is The Lois Club Song: ‘My name is LOIS. Your name is LOIS. We are LOISES all. Join us for lunch. We’re a great bunch. We’re gonna have a ball!’ Is your name Lois? Well, join the club!
Could you please send my any information that you might have on the Lois convention in the spring of 2015. I would love to come.
A lady named Lois told me there was a “Lois Club” when I spoke to her a while back on the phone. We talked about how relatively rare our name is for someone of our age (40’s). I had forgotten to look it up until today. Thanks for your blog, Lois!
Hi, I am Lois Ann, originally from PA, previously from FL and currently NJ. I came across all these Lois’ s comments on a hoodie shirt post on Facebook today, so of course I had to add my own comments to it as I never knew there were more Lois’ s out there! Why I thought I was the only one, I don’t know but I did. I have no idea why my mother named me Lois and will never know, as she passed 5 yrs ago. Why I never asked is another, who knows! I was the only Lois in my school all through school. I think my name made me feel out of place when young and in school. Now, of course not, maybe unique is the feeling and standing out a bit because it isn’t a common name. I matured, I think, and no longer cared about the fact that I was going to be the only Lois no matter where I was at. I figure it will make people remember me because it is an uncommon name and that’s just fine now days! So with that all said, I would like to join the Lois Club and just hear what other Lois’ s think, say and do! I thank you in advance!
I’m named after my aunt Marjane Lois. There was one other Lois in my 4000 student high school. I married Superman.
I’m a Lois. I have been called Lewis, Louise, and Louis. I think I was named after Lois from the Bible. I’m a GRAM now so I don’t mind being called after Timothy’s grandma, Lois.
My name is Lois. I was named after my grandma, and I feel very fortunate to have been named after such an amazing person. I am 41 years old and don’t know any other women named Lois around my age. I would love to learn more about the Lois Club.
My siblings voted on my name. I am 49 and know no other women named Lois that are my age. I have run into another Lois Hatfield, though. I complain about my name, but I really love it.
Another Lois here! I live in Aptos, Ca, but I am not aware of a chapter in my area. Any other Loises in the Bay Area?
Hey so cool to hear all this about my name! ?
Im A Lois too .Im about to celebrate my 70th Birthday but when I was young I hated my name because nobody I knew had the same name .I dont mind it now but Im with the rest of you ,how can you miss spell Lois ? Most names have more than one spelling . Cathy can also be spelled with a K for instance . Even my husband who is a Gary spells his with 2 r,s.I just dont understand how else you could spell Lois but people still try and just yesterday a salesmen ask me if it was spelled L O I S . I WANTED TO SAY TO HER HOW ELSE WOULD YOU SPELL IT ? Oh well I guess there are worse things my parents could have named me Trouble or Stupid or something .
I love the fact that LOIS is a rather rare name. And, my middle name is Louise. I went to Catholic school and a nun told me I must change my name because there wasn’t a Saint Lois. I replied that ‘maybe I would be the first Saint Lois’. I was sent to the Mother Superior for being sassy.
And this is why Loises are the best! Happy to meet you!
So the Green Bay Club meets on July 30, 2019? Where?
I would love to come as we are in there area on vacation.
My Grandmother Lois Millner was one of the founders of the Lois Club in St. Paul in the 70s, wonderful to learn that it’s still going!!
That’s awesome!
I am with you! How do I join up and find a group near me?
Maybe ask on the Facebook page here?
Hi Lois,
I’m Lois Rix! I want to join the Lois Club.
Like Lois Hartman, I want join up and find a group.
I want to attend an annual convention, too!
The Lois Fight Song …I love it :))