As Hurricane Sandy devastated the East Coast this past week, the best choice for President became obvious. President Obama unhesitatingly crossed party lines to work closely with the non-Democratic mayor of New York and governor of New Jersey (both of whom have given him a big thumbs up), while Mitt Romney promised not to campaign out of sensitivity to the tragedy – and then set up a photo opportunity in the swing state of Ohio under the guise of disaster relief. His actions were so inauthentic and counter-productive – just like those of his running mate, Paul Ryan, who talked his way into a closed soup kitchen and washed an already clean pot for a photo op – that the Red Cross asked him to stop (just as the soup kitchen asked Ryan to leave).
Romney has repeatedly dismissed the idea of climate change, going so far as to make jokes about it. He has called federal disaster relief “immoral,” and vowed to get rid of FEMA. When asked, during the hurricane, if he still believed all that, he refused to answer the question – 14 times. He still hasn’t answered it because he knows his answer is wrong for the country and could cost him votes.
Yet the race is still considered close.
People who are planning to vote for Romney explain it’s only because of the economy. If that’s true, they would be voting for Obama, especially since Romney has admitted to not caring about the financial needs of 47% of our country. The experts agree that the economy is on the upswing. They also agree that the numbers in Romney’s plan – as little of it as he has revealed – just don’t add up. Romney has said he will balance the budget within 8-10 years. Well, then, why is he criticizing Obama for not doing it in four years, especially given the mess he inherited and the unwillingness of the Republicans to pass any initiatives that would have helped the economy? Even the conservative financial bible, The Economist, endorses Obama.
But let’s be honest: this election is no longer about the economy.
Even if Romney had a viable economic plan – which he doesn’t – his Presidency would come at the expense of human rights. He is anti-government when it comes to money, but at the same time believes government should be able to legislate issues that are very personal.
I have friends who roll their eyes and say, “Oh, he’s not going to overturn Roe v Wade.” Of course he is! He has vowed to do everything in his power to do so, and because the next President will likely be appointing Supreme Court justices, he would actually have that power. Romney is ready to appoint judge Robert Bork, who once ruled that a company could force their female employees to be sterilized or be fired. And Romney has actively campaigned for Senatorial candidate Richard Mourdock, who proclaimed that pregnancies that result from rape are what God intended and are no reason for an abortion.
With the stakes this high, we can’t hide our heads in the sand, and say we’ll worry about “women’s issues” later. It will be too late.
Romney has promised to get rid of Planned Parenthood on his first day in office, which, according to Gloria Steinem, is what Hitler did when he first came to power. Taking away reproductive rights is a very effective way of keeping women down. One of Obama’s first acts as President, on the other hand, was signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which Romney’s advisors admit Romney would not have signed.
I don’t understand how anyone believes that women don’t deserve equal pay for equal work, or why women would vote against their own rights.
Romney has also vowed to Constitutionally ban same-sex marriage. This would be the first time an amendment has been used to remove a right rather than protect it. That is a huge, dramatic step which reveals just how serious he is about this. Gay rights have been called the civil rights issue of our time, and the fact that Romney and Ryan use their religious beliefs to defend their position goes against the separation of church and state tenet on which our country was founded.
In one speech, Romney said, “Some gays are actually having children. It’s not right on paper. It’s not right in fact.” On the campaign trail, he unapologetically admitted to a homosexual veteran that he wouldn’t allow him to marry the person he loves. Romney bullied a gay student back in prep school, and if he becomes President, more gay children are likely to become victims because, after all, even the law looks upon them as less than equal.
The fact that voters are willing to give up other people’s human rights because they think they may benefit financially is appalling to me. As Election Day gets closer, many of my Facebook friends seem to be feeling the same way, and have been posting “WTF?” when they suddenly notice they have friends who “like” Romney.
Pulitzer and Tony Award-winning playwright Doug Wright — who happens to be gay — wrote one of the most impassioned posts on this issue:
“I wish my moderate Republican friends would simply be honest. They all say they’re voting for Romney because of his economic policies (tenuous and ill-formed as they are), and that they disagree with him on gay rights. Fine. Then look me in the eye, speak with a level clear voice, and say, ‘My taxes and take-home pay mean more than your fundamental civil rights, the sanctity of your marriage, your right to visit an ailing spouse in the hospital, your right to inherit, the mental welfare and emotional well-being of your youth, and your very personhood.’ It’s like voting for George Wallace during the Civil Rights movement, and apologizing for his racism. You’re still complicit. You’re still perpetuating anti-gay legislation and cultural homophobia. You don’t get to walk away clean, because you say you ‘disagree’ with your candidate on these issues.”
I hope you’ll think hard about this because it’s personal. We all have gay family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers. They are real people — not statistics, not theoretical groups — and they will be affected in ways you would never want to experience.
With Americans so divided, this election will decide the future of the country in a way no other election has. It’s up to us whether we want to work together for the sake of everyone or leave each individual to fend for themselves.
As for me, I will proudly be casting my vote for Obama and the Democrats. I’d rather be considered a liberal with a bleeding heart than be accused, like Romney, of having no heart at all.
This post originally appeared on my former blog,
All my friends are voting for Obama. Even some of my former Republican friends. I am sure Obama will win over wider margins than they are even predicting. I am so glad it will be over by tomorrow. I am so tired of the vitriol and will be planning where to move if Romney wins. 🙂 Thanks Lois for all your supporting columns and fun comments on fb. Love you girlfriend.
Very well said. If only the undecideds and Romney supporters would read this with an open mind they would realize how disastrous a Romney presidency would be. My daughter and i will be canvassing local neighborhoods tomorrow to do our part in making sure President Obama gets re-elected.
Agree with everything here except I’m pretty sure Gov. Andrew Cuomo is a Democratic. Were you talking about Mayor Bloomberg, perhaps?
Yes! Don’t know how he’d feel about me making him a governor! Will correct that right now, thanks.
I am with you 100%!!
So refreshing as I live in a Romney loving area! Thank you for confirming what I already knew!
Thank you for your words, very comforting to me. I’m especially struggling with my feelings of frustration towards my female friends who are Facebook likers of Romney. Don’t they see that the Republican spotlight on our national debt ‘crisis’ and ‘failing economy’ is only smokescreen to distract from their real agenda – keep women in the kitchen, gays in the closet and allow the fat cats to get fatter? It’s all about keeping the 99% in servitude to their financial greed. I am hopeful that our country will make the choice for “we’re all in this together” and that congress will start acting that way.
What Obama did is what any president should do, what should you place him on a pedestal for what he should do in the first place. That’s a president’s job, to serve the people. The government is $16 Trillion in debt, which Obama has contributed greatly.
The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has now hit $14.639 trillion. (CBS News)
This is unacceptable, now with the failure of the postal service, Social security, Medicare, Medicaid, Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae, you want Obamacare to follow in the footsteps of a failed government? Fully implemented Obamacare will cost the state of California $6 billion per year to operate.
The cost of fuel in this country is at one of the highest levels we have ever seen, which reflects higher and higher costs in goods and services, including food.
Now please cast your vote for the one who will help get us out of this mess. Mitt Romney will work for the people not against us. We need fiscal responsibility in this country that is business friendly so we can get America back to work.
Thank You.
Ricky, you’re right that a president’s job is to serve the people, and that’s not what Romney will do. Does his dismissive 47% remark not reveal that? He plans to serve only people who make as much money as he does, who share his religious views and who have funded his campaign. What plan has Romney specified that will actually improve the country? None. Experts all say the economy is on the rise — thanks to Obama. There is no reason to believe Romney will help this country financially and every reason to believe he will hurt it socially.
I’m with you on every point, Lois!
Beautifully written. Could not have expressed my thoughts any better.
Thanks, Lois, for stating so eloquently what I’ve been ranting incoherently for months! One of the many reasons I love you.
This is just me now, and understand that I love your website, but honestly do not appreciate the voting plug in the newsletter. its better if you keep things related to your website. That’s what we enjoy. Yes, I am for Romney, it’s not just the economy that made my choice, but many things:
The past 4 yrs have not gone well at all. And at this point, you’re going to say it’s because of Bush, but each previous Pres. has added to this poor economy, its not just one. Each one has added and that includes Obama. Romney has had much experience in the job field, and yes, some failures, but that’s how you learn is through your mistakes. He’s had far more successes than failures. He has the experience that Obama does not have. He’s stronger on the military issue and that is something we need to continue, not diminish slowly. As proved by this Benghazi incident where 4 men were killed, including Amb. Stevens who was raped, sodomized,and then killed. That was the fault of Obama as he was asked repeatedly to send help. Those men should not have died. It’s being covered up until after the election and I cannot forgive the Pres. He’s a good man, smart, and loves his country and wants to bring it to it’s pristine best. Obama didn’t accomplish much in 4 yrs and needs to go. He has made things much worse relating to Immigration. Him giving illegal college aged free college and our kids who are legal not having that money is not fair to them. Illegals are NOT citizens here. I don’t wish any wrong doing to illegals and they can live here, JUST DO IT THE RIGHT WAY, THE LEGAL WAY AND APPLY FOR CITIZENSHIP! Our economy would be so much better if we didn’t pay for their healthcare, welfare, food, schooling, and so much more. They do not want to be citizens here, they are very loyal to their own countries, and that is proven. Romney has good plans for immigration and Obama just let’s them have free passes to everything. We are not even obeying our laws now because of him. We do have ‘strict’ laws about crossing illegally but that doesn’t matter these days. That’s so wrong. Romney cares about healthcare, but it needs to be fixed. The way it is, is NOT good. Too much that is not right. Obama just wants it passed but it’s not good the way it is. Why pass something if it’s not right? He’s not strong in country politics either. He has issues w/Israel. He doesn’t handle things well w/Iraq, Pakistan, Afganistan, etc. Romney has better political country ethics.
There is much more, but I am not writing a novel.I also truly believe that Romney honestly loves his country with all his heart. That is something I do not believe with Obama. I just want you to know how I feel and mostly, I think your website should keep politics out. I am only responding here because someone needs to fill in the ‘other sides’ position because you showed your side. Otherwise, I would not have written this. We all have the right to vote how we feel and pushing your feelings on to us is not a good idea. But, I do love your Style, Substance and Soul, please know that. What’s good for one is good for everyone. please keep that in mind.
I’m sorry, Nancy, but I can’t keep politics out of the website this time. I am not pushing my feelings on to you — I am sharing my feelings, which are hugely important to me. This election will effect women in huge ways, and we are all about women. Voters need to really think about what’s at stake. I appreciate your opinion and thank you for sharing it. I do not believe Romney loves this country with all his heart — he loves what is like him. He would not allow a woman to have a say over her own body, he has no regard for women who want to work as hard as men and earn the same salaries they do, he will not honor gay people’s right to marry the person they love, he has dismissed an entire 47% of the population. I do believe Obama loves this country — he has agreed to support same sex marriage even though he personally doesn’t believe in it. I totally agree with your statement that “What’s good for one is good for everyone,” which is why a President should be giving people rights, not taking them away.
As a woman and a practicing family practice physician I so appreciate your insights into this election. Keep up the good fight.
Thank you so much for writing this Lois. I am terrified of tomorrow, and reading this and some of the other comments have made me feel a bit better. At least I know that I am not alone.
But I must address the pro- Romney comments on here. I’m not going to get into the economy argument or the statistics posted – they are not correct and/or being misinterpreted – I work with the Dept. of Labor – I know more about those numbers and the jobs report and unemployment than I care to. And, as far as Israel is concerned, most of my family lives there and I can tell you that Israel overwhelmingly supports Obama. Overwhelmingly. But I do need to point out that neither comment addressed the gay rights or women’s rights issues that you so clearly carved out in your piece. Why exactly is that? Over and over again, I have found this seems to be the case with most of Romney’s supporters. They will fight me tooth and nail about every other issue, and then suddenly go silent when it comes to civil rights. So, to all of those silent people. I leave you with three of my favorite MLK quotes:
“To be silent is to acknowledge, to positively reinforce.”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
“The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
“We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
A well thought out post and on that I agree with whole heartedly. Thank you for posting your thoughts here. I’ll definitely be sharing them.
I agree with Nancy. While up until now I have just rolled my eyes when another rant ‘n rave gets posted on this site, you can ad me to the list of readers not that interested in your personal agenda and politics. I am sure you mean well but can’t help but feel a bit violated by the manner in which have taken advantage of your audience. By the way, I like your writing style and I share a lot in common with you (including having votes that don’t count because Obama is going to win in our state). While your are entitled to your opinions (even if they are misguided), your inaccuracies are simply too numerous to mention. Hoping for a little more SUBSTANCE (along with Style and Soul) once we get past the election! 🙂
Lois, I love this site and I love who you are but I definitely don’t agree with your politics on so many levels. I don’t know how anyone can want more of what we’ve had for the last four years but I certainly respect your thoughts and views.
Right on, Lois! I’m so sick of Romney ads and supporters saying “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?” Why, yes, my family of 5 is better off, thanks for asking. We refi’d our house using the HARP program (not for people in foreclosure, but for the ones that are over 80% loan to value on their house due to the housing market and in GOOD standing). My 5 year old daughter doesn’t have to worry about her pre existing condition kicking her off of health insurance because “Obamacare” and my husband is one of many being employed by the Stimulus Fund that went into those “horrifying” (sarcasm) green jobs at the DOE. And I know that my daughters have a president that cares about their rights. I’ll take 4 more years PLEASE!
When and where is it documented that Romney said he would do everything in his power to reverse Roe vs Wade?
I usually look forward to Style Substance Soul newsletter and website but this one-sided, name calling argument is not the type women’s issues that I wish to participate in. If for one second you don’t believe Obama’s visit to NJ and “working” w. a Republican governor for the camera crews was the ultimate photo opp you’re very naive. Staten Island and Long Island also suffered crippling devastation but maybe photos w. Mayor Bloomberg or Gov Cuomo both Obama supporters were would not mislead voters into thinking this was a bi-partisan Pres. When did ProChoice become synonymous w. ProAbortion especially Partialbirth abortion and why are contraception and abortion being portrayed as interchangeable? As a woman I want to be responsible for my body, my choices and my children’s future. We gave Obama 4 years to implement change and America is worse off. I personally can not afford 4 more years or one more distorted, libelous newsletter from Style, Substance Soul.
I hope the women who have commented on your site today for Romney don’t have young daughters or granddaughters. Women’s rights are clearly on the top of my list. Equal pay for equal work, rights of everyone to marry and the right to choose how we deal with our own bodies. I fought too hard to give this all back and wear magic pants. Lois, I love your site and I agree with you 100%. Also, racism is rising in America and I am so tired of older white men telling me what is best for this country. We are a country of many origins and people.Let’s all act like it.
thanks for writing this post and putting into words much of what i have struggled to express over the past few months. one thing you were attacked on, on behalf of obama, was his involvement in the benghazi situation. i heard a great discussion on npr about this and the speakers were quite clear on the fact that most people just don’t get the fact that different parts of our government were responsible for the needs of our embassy workers and their protection – it was not something that obama and his part of the leadership would deal with. unfortunately, i think people hear what they want to. ps i also believe that while many may not admit it, racism is playing a huge part in this. sad and scary.
I always learn so much from the spirited discussions on the site. I am touched deeply by people’s passion and willingness to share. It is what keeps me going, keeps me inspired. I think it is important to have an open safe platform for such discussions. We are a diverse group and I for one feel that diversity in experience and opinions makes this forum a better one, a more informed one, and a more sensitive one. I encourage everyone to keep reading, keep responding, keep voicing your opinions for the betterment of everyone listening. I am listening, learning and growing as a result. And I thank you.
Of course politics belongs in your website. Politics is an extremely strong factor in determining the future of American women. We want more from you than good buys, etc. And it is indeed our future that will be determined by this election. It actually will be the future of the entire planet, and that statment is not drama.
Economy is only part of our country’s picture. And even that is starting to recover. If Romney wins, I truly believe this country will go into a downward spiral from which it will never recover.
Thank you for being upfront with your views, Lois. If you have influenced only a few to think, that’s still something.
By the way, for those quoiting gas prices, here is a bit of information: the president has nothing to do with gas prices. It is determined by the “free market’ so revered by the Republicans and by the oil companies. The famous pipeline will not yield any oil for many years, well after it destroys the environment. Further information: that oil is not even earmarked for the US. It will be put on the global market and most likely go to China. This is a fact. Feel free to check it out. Be aware of the real facts. An informed electorate is the best thing we could hope for.
Always believe a presidential candidate’s platform. His original platform, that is. It does represent his views. He will do what he can to implement it.
One more agonizing night. If I never see another poll again in my life, it will be too soon. I hope with every fiber of my being for an Obama victory.
For those who want to read Romney’s views from a Republican page…NO spin…here is a link.
Read and think it through.
How would decisions made on these values affect you and yours?
We as women ARE the moral compass for this society. The truth of the matter is the politics of this are what they always are.
Let me give you some my thoughts.
Immigration: We ALL are immigrants. This Country was built on that very ideology, why is it that this now is the wrong thing to do? If you are not Native American YOU ARE AN IMMIGRANT to this Country. It is not right to deport law abiding people that have come here to make a better life for themselves. We used to pride ourselves on the fact that we accept the weak, weary, and down trodden.
Economy: Bush was left with a Surplus and left us with a Deficit. He took less than 8 years to do that. President Obama has taken the mess he was given and began to fix it. Why not give him another 4 years to continue repairing it? Why give it to the guy that destroys companies to make money? Why give it to the guy that governed a state into the ground? It is obvious by non-partisan economist and the upswing we are experiencing now that it is working. Oh and that President that left us the Surplus has examined both candidates economic policy and he has given his support to President Obama. Not to mention so have several other Economist
Military: Libya was a tragedy that killed 4 Americans and it happened on President Obama’s watch. There were thousands of Americans killed on Bush’s watch in the towers, in embassies and in two wars we should not have entered. Romney has surrounded himself with the same people that Bush did during this time. President Obama has ended one war. Is bringing troops home. Ending a second war and shoring up our Military in the way the Military says they need. He has been endorsed by General Colin Powell oh and on his watch he killed Bin Laden and did not start a war to do it.
Now I addressed those three things because it seems that they need to be constantly reiterated.
But as I stated before we women are the MORAL compass for this society. Our DNA compels us to ask the question is this right?
Is it right that any man tries to rob me or anyone of something that God gave me. Free Will. The right to choose. But this God given right is not about whether or not Abortion is right according to your beliefs or values. The only question that should be asked is does any man have the right to take away the choice given to me by God. Now I know so many will say God says abortion is wrong. God says homosexuality is wrong. If that is your belief no one and I mean no one has a right to tell you you must be married to or in a partnership with someone of the same sex. They also have no right to tell you you MUST have an abortion. But I say to you this. If you allow them to legislate your rights one way they can easily legislate the other way. What happens when someone says “You already have one special needs child. This child is costing too much money for the Country. We must run tests to see if this pregnancy will result in another. If it does you must terminate.” Think it’s impossible. Think again. Morally wouldn’t someone making that decision for you based on their beliefs be the wrong thing to do.
The next President will appoint probably two supreme court justices. Some things that will be up for grabs. Voters Rights. Yeah that amendment is for women and minorities. Do you really think that Romney is for protecting those rights. Roe vs Wade. He has already spoken on what he would do. It would be his pleasure to have it overturned. Planned Parenthood. The free mammograms found breast cancer early for so many women. He would get rid of that. Along with PBS and Big Bird. Because afterall these are the things dragging our economy down.
I haven’t even began to talk about Healthcare. Shouldn’t everyone in a country this great be afforded healthcare? Isn’t that the right thing to do. Isn’t that what Romney did for Massachusetts. I applaud him and all that worked with him to get that done. That is the one thing that the citizens of his state compliment him on, but when it comes to the COuntry he says on day one he will repeal it. Why?
Honestly at one time or another Mitt Romney has changed his stand on everything he has run on. If he can’t stand firm in what he believes and how he will govern during this campaign. Why would I entrust all that we have fought for over centuries to him?
This election is not just about the Military or the Economy.
My moral Compass led me to President Obama and I have cast my vote for him for the reasons above and because as a Black Woman in America I NEVER WANT THIS COUNTRY TO BE TAKEN BACK. #FORWARD2012
As a woman, mother of three, one of those a 19 year old female, and another a 13 year old son with Autism, and one more, a 20 year old son, I can say with confidence, and relief, because of our current President my whole family has benefited and will continue to do so,when Obama is re-elected tomorrow. This year, ( we do have insurance) I recieved my very first in my life, annual exam and mammogram at no cost. These are now covered as preventative care. My daughter if she chooses, can get contraception to prevent, until she is ready, an unwanted pregnancy. Both my 19 and 20 year old young adult children will be able to remain on my insurance until the age of 26. My son with Autism, ( considered a pre-exiting condition) has options not before available to him. My husband, a Psychiatrist, has too many times in his career seen many people with mental illness turned away from hospitals and care, due to lack of insurance. he has been all over the world and studied health- care delivery systems and believes we are moving in the right direction. We will most defiantly be voting to keep Our current President in office. President Obama, cares for each and every person in this Great Country. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us fellow woman Lois.
Clearly those who don’t want to read about your politics are those who disagree with you about them, but please keep writing, opining, and sharing your outlook. It’s admirable for you to have the courage of your convictions and put it out there for us to read and discuss. I’m hopeful (yes, I’m voting for President Obama) that those who disagree with us will read something that will help them see beyond their own prejudices and realize that Barack and Michele Obama have been working their hardest to improve this country. Yes, of course, people have suffered through the worst economy since the Great Depression, but it could have been so much worse without President Obama’s diligence, persistence, and compassion. And yes, the world is a violent and volatile place, but the advisors for the Republicans are the same people (i.e., Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice, and Dan Senor) who created the mess from which President Obama is extricating us. And then there are the social issues – women’s rights, gay rights, reproductive rights, climate change, veteran’s concerns, food safety, etc., etc., etc.; Lois, thank you for rationally articulating the stakes in this election. All of us will be better off with another Obama presidency – even straight white males. To riff off your website, this election is not about style (although Michele Obama has plenty of it), it’s about soul. It’s about honesty and integrity and consistency. A last note – politics should not be a taboo subject for your website, really nothing should be taboo – just because people don’t want to hear something doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be said. Thanks for feeling comfortable and providing the space.
I thank you Lois for doing the right thing and posting your opinion on why you are voting for the President. God willing he will continue the job he started! Politics do belongs in your website. You are strong intellegent women! Obama knows what it is like to start from the bottom and work your way up. He wasn’t born with a gold spoon like Mitt. Obama was one of those 47%. He knows what America needs! Congress needs to work with him to make it happen! May God bless and protect him and his family on their way to victory. OBAMA 2012!!!!
I do not agree with Lois’ politics (although I do admire your passion), but I do feel that you have a right to post your views on the website. I don’t have to read them if I don’t want, but I have continued to follow many diverse blogs and all my friends on Facebook during this election period, because I want to understand all positions. I appreciate many of the rational arguments here, and I appreciate the safe forum that this website offers. We are in a very difficult and important time in our country’s history. I am not enamored with either candidate, and I honestly think it’s a shame that we have to choose between Obama and Romney; I’d like some additional options! Both have made many promises they can’t keep; both have told many lies they can’t back up. My bottom line is the sustenance of our country as an entity that can continue to grow and excel in positive ways. I feel Romney would be better for our economy and would be more forceful and assertive in how we position ourselves as a world power; if we don’t look out for ourselves, no one else will. As for all the women’s rights issues, so much of that is sound bites that are not realistic; we are not going to go back in time. I am all for paying taxes and helping anyone who is in need of assistance, but I don’t agree with the liberal agenda that we need to take care of so many of the people all the time; we are doing that to such an extent that we are creating a massive welfare economy with too much entitlement and too many people who will take advantage of the systems any way they can – – and citizens have plenty of opportunity to do so with the Democratic agenda. My family desperately needs an Affordable Care Act, but the one that was enacted is going to cause more problems than it solves. I want a president who will look out for the best interests of the country as a whole, and I believe that Romney is better suited to that goal.
I totally agree with Lois’s politics and wish I could express myself as effectively as she does and I feel that just as any type of media has the right to editorialize, and should but don’t always make it clear they are editorializing and not reporting, she has the right to present her views on her web site. I am pleased that more responses agreed with her and many of them that didn’t still respect her right to express her opinion. Amy is right, conversation in a rational and reasonable form can only come to good. It is encouraging to me to read so many well thought out and impassioned statements about why the writers support Obama. Humanity should always get more votes than economy in my opinion and, frankly, I believe Romney’s economics will not benefit the majority of us.
If all of us would spend more of our time just loving each other, and reaching out to help one another, we would have little time to write angry statements, blogs, tweets and posts and whatever about what’s wrong with things. I for one, am not reading them anymore…you are entitled to say what you feel. I will no longer read them
I normally LOVE the style and substance of what I read in your column. HATS OFF to you and many thanks. But your post about Obama left a really bad taste in my mouth and makes me wonder whether I want to continue reading.
I am so, so tired of the political ads and commentary that accuse the candidates of all kinds of villainous deeds and characterize them in all sorts of negative ways. Couldn’t you have just said that you support Obama’s policies thus far and agree with his ideas about how to govern the country? And you think that his priorities match more with yours than the priorities of his opponent? Can’t you acknowledge that both candidates are trying to put forth ideas that they believe will boost the economy, help people achieve prosperity and provide a framework for a peaceful future?
Your credibility, in my mind, plummets when you open with name calling and smears. Clearly, people have different ideas about how to move forward. Of course, it would be wonderful if we could pursue all the ideas, but we have to pick and choose and you happen to agree more with Obama’s To Do list than Romney’s. So happens that I concur with some of the ideas of both candidates and not with other parts of what they say. They are both human beings and it literally pains me to hear the terrible things that are said about each of them. You may not agree with what they say, but I don’t agree with your STYLE in demeaning Romney with such petty jabs. And I wouldn’t like it if you called President Obama nasty names, either.
We get enough of that stuff with the TV ads — horrible! Your take on the motivation behind Ryan’s appearance at a soup kitchen was not SUBSTANTIAL and your meanness was not STYLISH. I hope that your future columns will return to being positive and uplifting.
Three cheers for President Obama and his lovely family!! And three cheers for all the other candidates who are willing to serve their communities and their country — What a slog they go through during the campaigns. I can’t imagine who wants to do it, given that they are subjected to so many jibes and jabs. I vote that we all keep our comments polite.
Thanks again for all the wonderful posts you have provided previously.
Thank you Lois!!!!!!!
wow Gillian…whwere is the love then???
Lois, I never like to read about politics or talk about politics, because I always find it a very subjective subject, as someone will always disagree with you no matter what. And that, I find is the beauty of our country–everyone has the right to exercise their freedom of speech. I truly admire your guts for writing this piece, and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. For those who don’t agree with you, it is definitely eye-opening to hear what they have to say.
To lighten up the mood in the comment section, and in my usual humorous “fashion”, I’d like to let you know that my husband and I voted in New York City (rarely do we both agree on the same issues wholeheartedly). I, for one, was dressed in blue from (almost) head to toe. And yes, I even had a super cute (and expensive) blue purse to go with my whole outfit. Why wouldn’t I?