Thanks to Life Reimagined, who sponsored this post and provided incredible support during my project, I have actually reached my organization goal. I know -- I'm as shocked as you! You may remember that I was invited to try out Life Reimagined last month, and I decided that … [Read more...] about life reimagined: i’m now organized!
empty nest
life reimagined: my organization project
Thank goodness for Life Reimagined, who not only sponsored this post but has already made a difference in my life. You see, since Alex and Sara left for college years ago, I've come to realize that the idea of an "empty nest" is not really accurate. Yes, the kids are out of … [Read more...] about life reimagined: my organization project
letting go when your kids leave for college
Our nest has been empty for half a dozen years -- yes, that picture, above, was taken a long time ago -- but every time September approaches, I get nostalgic about back to school time. I wish I was still making trips to the store with my kids for notebooks and pens and backpacks, … [Read more...] about letting go when your kids leave for college
back to school reimagined
Today is the first day of August, which means if you turn on the TV or open a newpaper, you’re likely to see ads and commercials for back to school sales. It’s my favorite time of year. … [Read more...] about back to school reimagined
my baby just graduated college. what do i do now?
I never thought of myself as someone who defined herself by her children. Whose life was so closely intertwined with theirs that I would feel lost once they left home. But apparently I am. … [Read more...] about my baby just graduated college. what do i do now?
the mother of all storms
The biggest storm in history is hitting the East Coast, my children are in the middle of it and I’m 3000 miles away from them. This bothers me way more than it bothers them. … [Read more...] about the mother of all storms
Fly Away, Little Bird
I love this song. I don't really think it has anything to do with emptying the nest but since both of my kids are heading back to college this week, and since I'm already sad happy sad happy, it makes me weepy every time I hear it -- which is often since I have it on repeat. I … [Read more...] about Fly Away, Little Bird
lois and michael on becoming empty nesters
Lois says: When Sara was two years old, she would leave her shoes by the front door before she went to bed and, in the morning, she’d point to them and say, “Go.” Whether we were going to the park, to the grocery store or just to walk the dog, Sara was ready. There was a big … [Read more...] about lois and michael on becoming empty nesters