our ultimate australian adventure with oprah, a.k.a. “the lovefest!”

We’re back! We had the best time on this life-changing trip and we promise we’ll share all the details with you in January when Oprah airs her four shows about Australia. We’ll give you the behind-the-scenes scoop on everything you see on TV, and we’ll even feature many of our fellow Ultimate Viewers and the Aussie people we were so blessed to meet. Meanwhile, here’s a quick look at our experience.

We have been fantasizing about our trip Down Under with Oprah for three months – ever since we were lucky enough to be in the audience for that amazing premiere show when Oprah announced, “WE’RE GOING TO AUSTRALIA!!!”


Because we had no idea what to expect – everything was going to be a surprise and all information was given to us on a strictly need-to-know basis – our imaginations went wild. We would call each other every day and laugh hysterically as we came up with the most over-the-top scenarios. By the time we actually left for the airport with our overpacked suitcases and overworked imaginations, we were convinced that pilot John Travolta would disco his way down the aisle of the plane; cashmere blankets, dual-time zone watches and iPads loaded with Scrabble and all of Oprah’s book club selections would be waiting on our seats; and we would be welcomed in Australia with a private concert by Oprah’s co-Kennedy Center honoree, Sir Paul McCartney.

Of course, none of this happened. And everything that did happen was so much bigger, richer and more meaningful than we could ever have dreamed. That’s the power of Oprah.

What we were given were unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime experiences and 300 incredible new friends with whom to share them. Because each Ultimate Viewer was hand-picked by Oprah and her staff – a fact that brought us all to tears as she assured us “no one is here by accident” – the people we met on this trip were awe-inspiring. They are the ones you want as your friends. They are warm, positive, supportive, funny – and they can dance up a storm. Their stories are full of overcoming challenges, helping others and living their best lives. We can’t wait to share some of these with you.

The most amazing feature about this group as a whole was its sense of gratitude. No one took any part of this experience for granted, and the “thank yous” flowed as plentifully as the exotic cocktails that accompanied every event. We thanked every one of the thousands and thousands of welcoming Australians who asked us to take a picture with them, who applauded us as we entered the Sydney Opera House, who greeted us on the streets with a “We’re so glad you’re here!” and a “Thank you so much for coming!” It was a humbling experience, and we genuinely couldn’t understand why they would be thanking us – we were the ones who should be thanking them for opening up their gorgeous country to us. We met so many wonderful Australian women and men, and will be introducing them to you, as well.

As we explored Australia, we cheered on the Ultimate Viewers who overcame lifelong fears to snorkel at the Great Barrier Reef and climb the Sydney Harbor Bridge, “ooh”-ed and “ah”-ed over the photos from everyone’s different three-day excursions and celebrated whenever someone got to experience a moment with Oprah.

Those moments with Oprah were life-changing. If you think she’s not genuine, let me assure you she is the real thing. When she talks to you, she looks you right in the eye and listens to every word you say. The connection is electrifying and deeply personal. She asks insightful questions and reacts from the heart. Her light is absorbed into you, for you to reflect and shine. We are so grateful to her and promise to do her proud and pay it forward.

Courtesy of Huffington Post, Photo by Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images,

We know you want details – where we went, who we met, what we experienced – and we will happily share them when the shows air. So many people have asked us what we got on the trip and, although we certainly received some beautiful and extraordinarily generous items, the material things are the least of it.

What Oprah gave us was an eight-day lovefest. A time when all seemed right with the world, when anything was possible and all was appreciated.

Now, that is a gift.

28 thoughts on “our ultimate australian adventure with oprah, a.k.a. “the lovefest!”

  1. I had been thinking about all of you each day you were gone. Your description has brought tears to my eyes and I can’t wait to hear the details! As a native Chicagoan, I remember when Oprah first appeared and I’ve followed her journey. A true part of the joy is to see such great women rewarded for an idea that inspires many.

  2. thank you for sharing this over-the-top experience with all of us. I’m looking forward to the January shows and your stories.

  3. Three extraordinary women who go beyond their everyday life to share with many of us stories, gifts and the love that is felt every time I log onto this website.. Thank You Ladies and I cannot wait to read and hear more about your adventure..

  4. Travolta disco dancing down the aisle, iPads with Oprah’s book selections on each seat of the plane and a concert by Paul upon your arrival; gee, maybe next time you guys can be on the planning committee; that all sounds pretty darn good!

    So looking forward to hearing about what THEY came up with instead!!!!

  5. Your trip to Australia with Oprah sounds incredible and I’m looking forward to reading more about the experience. You write from the heart and I love the way you share with your readers.

  6. As I said before, this could not have happened to a more wonderful, down to earth, appreciative and grateful three women. Your smiles say it all! I cannot wait to hear all about your travels and look forward to watching her shows on the trip!! Happy Holidays to all of you and your families!!

  7. YEY!!! SO incredible! I can’t wait to hear more – are we going to have a viewing party when the episode airs??


  8. So excited to hear all about it, I’m excited that you were there, you’re an inspiration, no surprise that you were chosen!

  9. Just finished reading and I had goose bumps. I am so thrilled for all of you and can’t wait to read more.
    Congratulations again.

  10. I’m so happy everyone had a fantastic time, and I am looking forward to the shows and all the details!! Congratulations on being chosen and now you are all BFF’s with our Oprah!

  11. what a treat for you, and thanks for letting us live vicariously through you a bit as you share the wonderful details from the trip of a lifetime. welcome back!

  12. On pins and needles to hear all about it from YOU. I’m sure the shows will be great, but it’s so much better to “know” the three of you and share directly through you. So happy you are willing to share with your fans.

  13. The three of you have brought hope, support, & insight through Style, Substance, & Soul. How wonderful & appropriate that you should be recognized by Oprah & Staff. You have thrilled many, & Oprah has thrilled you. We all can’t want to hear about your adventures. Most importantly, we are all anticipating you opening your soul!

  14. An eight-day lovefest. That’s exactly what it was. Truly, what a gift. Love you guys & what you’re doing!

  15. Thank you for sharing!! Let’s all keep the memories alive & growing to allow our next adventure to manifest! Reunion? We are all so fortunate, let’s continue to spread the joy & greatness!! <3 <3

  16. I’m looking forward to seeing the Oprah Show in Jan. I can only imagine how incredible this trip was.
    Will look for you on TV
    Happy Holiday to all…

  17. Hi ladies. I’m so happy to receive an email from you. I was also on the once-in-a-lifetime trip. I’m the one whose brother’s fiancee gave up her spot for me because she couldn’t get two sets of vacation time so soon after beginning her new job. I had a wonderful time as well, and I’m also anxiously awaiting January 2011’s shows. Peace and joy to you all!

  18. I’m so happy for you all ! What an incredible experience and one which I’m sure will continue to have positive reverberations all around the world, as each participant takes back the awe, the inspirations, and the love and spreads it all around! Can’t wait to hear and see all of the rest.

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