my buick bucket list trip: volunteering at the elephant sanctuary in tennessee

Elephant Sanctuary t-shirt

Now that we had learned all about Tara, Shirley, Tange, Flora, Sissy, Winkie, Misty, Minnie, Liz, Ronnie, Debbie, Billie and Frieda, we felt personally invested in their future and were eager to get back on the road in the morning to return to The Elephant Sanctuary for our volunteer day.Β 

There were about 15 of all, so we divided into two groups and Todd explained what we would be doing. The first group would be scraping and painting the protective contact wall and the second would be cleaning debris and removing nails from old wooden boards so they could be used for heating. These were not glamorous jobs but they were necessary for providing the best environment for the elephants.

Todd asked me if we would take a few people in the Encore – the car was as big a hit as the elephants themselves. We piled in and sludged through the muddy roads of rural Tennessee – a ride made much smoother thanks to the Encore’s all wheel drive.

Elephant Sanctuary Encore

Once we arrived at the Sanctuary, we spotted African elephants Flora and Tange, who reminded us why we were there.

We got a chance to see what the girls eat – lots of fruits, vegetables and supplements – and we heard funny stories about their individual preferences.

One loves bananas, another likes barbecue sauce and pickles. Tarra peels her oranges and squishes her food. Tange falls asleep in a food coma after sugary cereals. Peanut butter is a universal favorite.

Elephant Sanctuary food

You can get to know all the girls through my USA Today slideshow, which you can watch here.

We spent the morning scraping and painting, with Flora and Tange checking in periodically to make sure our work was up to par. We had some great conversations, felt like we were making a difference and then … someone made a comment about immigrants that was so jarring in this place of compassion, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. This led to a heated discussion about religion and same sex marriage. How could someone who cares enough about animals to spend the day working in the hot sun for them be so intolerant of people who were different than her?

Of course, this woman was one of the passengers in my car so when it was time for lunch, she got into the back seat and apologized. I explained to her why her beliefs were so offensive and she actually listened and asked questions and I told her she should go home and think about all of this. She said she would.

Maybe the Middle East peace talks should take place in the Encore.

Anyway, we all sat together for lunch which, for Michael and me, consisted of cupfuls of cereal and pastries we took from the hotel breakfast. We couldn’t find a grocery store in Tennessee Mills so we had to be creative.

Elephant Sanctuary lunch

After our not-so-nutritious meal, it was time to switch jobs. We got our little group back in the Encore and headed over to a different part of the Sanctuary to start cleaning up debris. I pulled a couple of nails out of old pieces of wood, which took much longer than you would think, and felt good, knowing the elephants would stay warm in their heated barn during the winter.

Since we came home, we’ve been following the girls closely on the Ele-cam, which is so addicting. I’m planning to keep spreading the word about the amazing work the Elephant Sanctuary is doing and hope you’ll check out their website, which is full of great information, pictures and ways to help.

Buick cardboard elephant

The Elephant Sanctuary also does long-distance education programs and can provide presentations to classes and groups via teleconferencing. You may want to share this idea with teachers and Scout leaders because kids will love it.

We left the Elephant Sanctuary sweaty and exhausted, but content and proud to have served these magnificent creatures in some small way. The Encore, dusty and caked with mud, had also served us well and was ready to take us on a whole new journey to the Grand Ole Opry.

59 thoughts on “my buick bucket list trip: volunteering at the elephant sanctuary in tennessee

  1. Considering the lunch and the loudmouth, it’s obvious you’re pretty good at making the best of a not-so-great situation. Quite admirable, my friend. So, too, is your work for the elephants. Such grand animals.

    And the Encore? Sheesh… Seems like a pretty awesome little vehicle.

    1. My husband and I just watched some videos of people interacting with gorillas — am ready to make that my next trip. Want to come?

  2. I love the idea that they do classes and long distance education pieces. What a great way to spread the word about protecting these beauties! My favorite part of this story though? You told her to go home and think about it! So, technically, you sent her to time-out! I soooo love that! Maybe we need a bigger, adult version of time-out corner… Something to consider!

  3. My husband and I are planning a trip to Nashville next spring. I think I might like to do this. I had no idea such a place existed.
    I work very hard at being tolerant of everyone’s views and concentrating more on what we have in common. It is bad enough when someone is offensive but in a group of people you don’t know and while volunteering, just awful.
    The Encore is adorable!

  4. I would love to do that, I have two favorite animals – elephants and giraffes. Love them all but those are my favorites. Being able to volunteer and help them would be an amazing experience.

    1. I love giraffes, too! There’s a place in Africa where you can interact with giraffes — that is definitely on my list!

  5. You KNOW how I feel about eles, Lois! This sounds like a wonderful day! I hope to go there one of these days to do what you did! I watch the elecam almost every day!! Those sweet girls are finally lucky enjoying their last years ( hopefully lots) doing what they were always supposed to do…roam free and be free of horrible abuses that they were subjected to from circuses (YUCK!!) Thanks for bringing more education to people about the wonderful Elephant Sanctuary.

    You know, the original founder, Carol Buckley has started a chain free campaign in India and is rescuing loads of eles from abuses and chains over there! She even has a volunteer week next week where you can help her un chain and release more eles! I am SO tempted to do it!!! Wanna go with me?

  6. I find the list of food they like interesting…..bbq sauce, pickles. Not the kind of thing I thought elephants would like lol.

  7. This sounds like an amazing trip. I have a friend that is just returning from the Elephant rescue sanctuary in Thailand. I haven’t spoken to him about it yet because he is still on his flight but it looked like he had a wonderful trip from what he posted on Facebook.

  8. Would you believe I’ve never seen an elephant in real? I would love to at some point though. That last picture is so cute…looks like the elephant is smiling at you two. πŸ™‚

  9. What an interesting food list. I would have never thought they’d eat things like that. I bet it was fun interacting with the elephants, and learning all about them.

  10. People don’t realize that off color remarks are not harmless. I try real hard to never participate or get caught up in a situation where I’ll have no choice but to butt in and set them straight. There was a time in my life when I enjoyed using words to make the person being rude feel as small as the other they thought was beneath them and were offending. I’m not quite as harsh or as ruthless on a person as I used to be, but I still fight for the underdog!

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