6 new book reviews!

I haven’t had a lot of time to read lately and, unfortunately, I wouldn’t recommend some of the books I actually took the time to finish. But there are a handful I think you should definitely read. This is a pretty eclectic selection, so there’s something for everyone. Enjoy, and please let me know what…

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finding my oasis in africa

I’m re-posting this because our Generation Fabulous BlogHop this month is all about transformative travel, and my trip to Africa was absolutely that! Click here to read how my fellow GenFab bloggers have been transformed by their own trips. Would love to hear about yours, too! I just came back from my looooooong-anticipated two-week bucket…

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Woman of Soul: Joan Baez

She made many other artists’ songs famous, but penned her most haunting tune herself and titled her biggest-selling album,” “Diamonds and Rust” after it.  The clear and strong voice of a generation, JoanBaez helped define the 1960’s, becoming a symbol of folk music itself. She sang with – and about — Bob Dylan and was…

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