i hate packing!


You know how much I love to travel? Well, that’s also how much I hate to pack.

I’d rather go to the dentist than have to pack.

I’d rather clean my house than have to pack.

But right now, I’m dragging out the suitcases, including my awesome UGOBAG, above, for my trip to Indiana (don’t even get me started on that; I will not give the state a penny of my own money) for the Final Four with Buick tomorrow, which will lead directly to my Viking River Cruise in France.

That means I need to pack two weeks worth of clothes. Plus electronics. Plus toiletries. Plus shoes. Plus my straightener, which I hope will not blow out the electricity on the ship. Plus books in case my iPad battery runs out.

Travel documents

Interestingly enough, the weather seems to be about the same in both places — in the 50s with light rain.

For someone coming from San Diego, where it’s pretty much always 72 and sunny, this adds a whole other level of stress.

I don’t want to carry my bulky down jacket and I don’t know if every hotel will have umbrellas. Actually, I don’t know if we even have umbrellas any more.

I think I hate to pack because I’m convinced I’ll forget something important. Or have the wrong clothes. Or too many clothes. Or too few clothes. On my last trip, I left my eye pencil and shadow at home by the bathroom sink — this is a big deal because it’s the only make-up I wear! — and had to spend $50 at the airport for stuff that would have cost me maybe $12 at the drugstore.

And, after checking a zillion times, I still left my passport in our printer before our trip to Africa. Thank goodness Michael was meeting me in New York and was able to bring it.

So, yes, I am stressed.

I am really excited about the actual trips and hope you’ll follow along on Twitter and Instagram.

And now I’m going to stop procrastinating and start packing.

If you think of anything I may forget, please leave me a comment!

32 thoughts on “i hate packing!

  1. How awesome! I read Gary your post because, as the immediate world knows from me, he went to UW. I think you’re rooting for Kentucky but in case you’re not pack a red shirt for him. Go Badgers!

    Your entire trip sounds wonderful. So Bon Voyage, Madame Mark (from Lady Lolo) and enjoy! I can’t wait to read about it all.

  2. I don’t mind packing, but I always overpack and end up with a sore back from lugging my suitcase around.

  3. Enjoy both trips, Lois. You’ll have lots to write about when you get home and I can’t wait to hear all about it. Have fun!

  4. I hear you–I loathe packing with a hatred that burns. Getting there sucks. But being there…well, I just know you’ll have a marvellous time. Enjoy!

    1. Yes! Getting there totally sucks! Glad we are soul sisters in packing 🙂 Thanks for the good wishes!

  5. I don’t mind packing, but I am an over packer. I worry about it for months (we’re headed to Spain in September, and I am already thinking about it). Steve tosses his stuff in the night before (or that morning) and is always good to go. BTW, I would forget the umbrella. You can buy one if you need it, and it’s a perfect way to make the rain stop (the purchase). At least that’s how it always works for m.

    1. I don’t even think about packing until the day before – and here we are! I’m thinking no umbrella, too — probably because I don’t think we have one! Can’t wait to hear about Spain!

  6. My mother is stressing about packing for her Viking Cruise too. How crazy will it be if you are on the same ship.
    Mom bought mix and match type pieces from QVC:) comfy flats and a medium weight thin jacket.
    She is cracking me up buck honestly I hate to pack too. Especially when flying is involved.
    Have a safe trip and if you meet a woman named Janice from Florida tell her I said hello:)

    1. OMG that made me laugh so hard! You may have hit the one activity that makes packing look good!

  7. I love packing! It’s unpacking I hate. Like loathe so I usuallt just leave it until I need stuff haha. It’s so bad I know. I love your branding on your luggage, how awesome!

  8. Man, I stress out so bad when I pack. I have to check, double check, then check again to make sure I have everything I need. And then, I almost always forget something still!

  9. Packing is always a pain, not sure it ever gets easy or fun..I find making a list though before hand at least makes it somewhat more focused

  10. I also hate packing and I always seem to over pack. I can never decide what shoes I want to bring so I grab them all. I hope you have a great trip.

  11. Ah you’re lucky to live in a place that has nice weather most of the year. I’d love to travel to where you are leaving from. 😉 I don’t mind packing. I hate unpacking when we get home.

  12. I keep a perpetual “go bag” which has an extra of almost everything. I’ve slowly loaded it as I’ve purchased new items, and tossed my old ones in the bag. So my go bag has: comb, brush, shower cap, toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, face wash, shampoo, conditioner, a simple makeup kit, a couple of pairs of underwear. This bag goes in my carry on so that if something happens, I can always clean up. Have fun.

  13. I can never decide what to pack when i am going on a trip. I always pack to much. I hope you have a great trip.

  14. I love travelling a lot & so as result I never hate packing or un-packing as I do that very quickly. Before packing I just prepare a list of things and dress list. It helps me to avoid over loading the package as well.

  15. I can barely pack my purse for the day, let alone anywhere for more than a day. Maybe one day I’ll perfect that. Or maybe not. LOL

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