
Lois Alter Mark test drives the Mazda CX-9

Having grown up in New York, New York, I totally get the significance of something being so nice, you have to name it twice. Good things bear repeating.

Lois Alter Mark test drives the Mazda CX-9

You really have to earn that honor, though, in order for it to stick. Like Nom Nom, the California food truck. Or huggable Yankees pitcher C.C. Or my favorite American Idol, Philip Philips (let’s pretend the “s”is silent).

My mother used to say “poo poo” over my babies to keep the devil away, and my husband calls me “Lolo” out of deep love.

That’s why Mazda’s “zoom-zoom” always resonated with me. I love the sound of it – and the implication that its cars are sporty, innovative and worthy of repetition.

Because I needed to test this myself, I was happy when Mazda agreed to let me drive a 2013 CX-9 Grand Touring All Wheel Drive for a week. And, by the end of that week, I was even happier. This car easily lives up to “zoom-zoom” – it handles so smoothly and is so much fun to drive, it takes a lot of discipline to go slowly in it – but it actually lives up to all of these as well:


I like big cup holders and I can not lie. This may not seem like a huge deal to you but, to me, wow! I can fit my trenta-sized black iced tea, unsweetened with no water and extra ice, please, in one and my free large refill from any fast food place in the other. That’s amazing! Usually, I can’t get both of them in at the same time and, if I somehow do manage to maneuver them to fit, I have to keep one hand on the lids while I’m driving or risk major spillage before I get home. I admit this feature gave me a disproportionate sense of joy.

The cup holders in the MazdaCX-9

Room-room, take 2

Yes, I said this already but it applies to every area of the CX-9 so I hereby give Mazda my blessing to quadruple rather than double the usage of the word. Just look at this trunk! And that’s without folding down the third row. I filled it with bags of clothes and books I was donating, but my dream is to fill it with bags of goodies from an Anthropologie shopping spree. Or luggage for a multi-city road trip. Or another Newfoundland.

This is the roomy trunk of the Mazda CX-9


The CX-9 is like a supermodel in the world of cars. I like to think all those turning heads were for me but I know they were for this beauty. It really is a knock-out, and it’s particularly sophisticated in Meteor Gray with the black interior. In other words, va-va-voom!

The Mazda CX-9


It’s easy to forget you’re driving a SUV because this is the kind of car that makes you want to pump up the volume and cruise down the freeway. Luckily, the sound is so good, that you actually can. As I’ve written before, listening to music is my favorite part of driving, so I loved having my iPod so accessible.

The  iPod dock in the Mazda CX-9


They say you should bloom where you’re planted, and I could easily plant myself in this car. It’s got a ton of luxury features without feeling stuffy or formal. It’s sleek yet feminine, and it’s very user-friendly with an easy-to-read dashboard and screen. (This has become more important as I get older.) The car makes me feel young although it’s extremely practical for my more, uh, mature needs.

Lois Alter Mark decorates the Mazda CX-9 with a flower

Now that I’ve driven the CX-9, I’m curious about testing the Mazda 3 Skyactiv compact sedan that’s been called one of “the most fun” 40 mpg cars to drive.

Maybe I’ll get to try it soon-soon.

29 thoughts on “zoom-zoom

  1. Swoon swoon! That’s me reading your fabulous post. Next time we’re in the market for a car, I’ll remember this recommendation.

    1. I never drove a Mazda before so this was a great surprise! Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

  2. I LOVE how your fun and sparkly personality comes out in your writing.

    Vroom vroom. Now I want to drive this car.

    Zoom zoom. Look out, girl, when I get behind this wheel.

    You’ve convinced me this is a wonderful car. Great job.

    1. This is such a great combination of SUV and sports car! I appreciate you reading and commenting, thanks!

  3. I’ll be in the market for a new car soon, with a brand new driver in the house. I’m ready to graduate from the mini van since the kids are all older now!

  4. Our Mazda 6 died in March and I was HEARTBROKEN!!! I loved my Mazda and I’m pretty sure that when we replace the (paid off) van (when it dies), we’ll replace it with the Mazda 9. And when you send this off to Mazda, tell them we’d love to test out one for our soon to be 16 year old 😉

    1. I can definitely see why you would love your old Mazda. This one would be great for both you and your new driver!

  5. You really made me feel as if I was driving the car myself, and you made it sing. I will definitely look at Mazdas the next time we are car shopping, which may be soon because the German import is wending its way towards death.

    1. A lot of us seem to have elderly cars now! If I get another Mazda to test drive, I will take you for a ride!

  6. What a fun fun vehicle. And what a great great review. I was editor of our daily newspaper’s auto section for several years, so I’ve read LOTS of auto reviews. This is one of the best I’ve read. I hope you’ll be doing more!

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa! Wow, you must know a lot about cars — would love to read your reviews. I’m not very technical but I do know what I like, and I did like this car!

    1. Thanks, Virginia! It really is a great combo. I can’t believe how many of you have had Mazdas. I’ve apparently been missing out!

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