ring in the new year with at&t stocking stuffers — plus a giveaway!

AT&T Stocking Stuffers

I recently celebrated the holiday season at a local #ATTSanDiego Happy Hour, where I had the opportunity to check out AT&T’s latest high-tech stocking stuffers. Luckily, there are still a couple more nights of Chanukah because my wish list just grew way longer.

It was fascinating to learn about all the great gifts now available at AT&T stores and online. They carry so much more than phones these days, including a wide variety of audio products from wireless speakers and headphones to fitness devices.

Here are the four items I really wanted to share with you and, thanks to AT&T, you just may win one yourself.

AT&T Fitbit

Fitbit Flex Wireless Wristband ($99). Well, the best endorsement I can give you for this is that it’s the only thing that’s inspired me to get back on the clothes rack elliptical machine in over a year. In case you didn’t know, I’m pretty competitive (hello, Blogger Idol!) so in order to prove I can actually do the 10,000 steps we’re all supposed to be walking daily, well, I had to actually do them. The Fitbit has kept me accountable — and moving. And not only does it track your steps, distance and calories burned but it also tracks your sleep cycle and wakes you silently in the morning. Oh, AT&T, you may have to pry this pretty little motivator off my wrist.

AT&T Stocking Stuffers

Mini Jambox ($99). We tested this pocket-sized speaker in our backyard, where we were hanging out on a beautiful San Diego winter day — sorry, readers who live anywhere else — and it was awesome. The sound is surprisingly crisp and, with up to 10 hours of battery life, it’s such an easy way to wirelessly play music, movies, games, whatever.

AT&T Mini Jambox

Boom Swimmer ($60). The ultimate waterproof Bluetooth speaker, the Boom Swimmer is among the loudest and best-sounding in its class. That fact has not gone unnoticed by Michael, who truly appreciates being able to listen to Colbie Calliat sing Try while I’m in the shower rather than me. Two hours of charge time gives you eight hours playback at maximum volume, and 12 to 16 hours at half volume.

AT&T Boom Swimmer

Power Bundle ($75). This triple threat promo comes with the iFrogz Power Pack, cable and car charger, and saves you $45 off the full retail price. The GoFuel battery is like a portable power plant, allowing you to charge your devices anywhere. It carries enough power to recharge your smartphone up to six times or your tablet twice. Since my phone battery is usually flashing red by mid-afternoon, this is a lifesaver.

AT&T powerpack

For a chance to win one of these hot holiday gifts, simply leave a comment below. For a second chance to win, Tweet this:

[Tweet “I entered to win one of these high #tech #holidaygifts from @att. You should too! #ATTSanDiego”]

Contest ends on December 28 at midnight Pacific time. Winner will be notified by return email. Prizes can only be sent to a U.S. mailing address.

Happy holidays!

98 thoughts on “ring in the new year with at&t stocking stuffers — plus a giveaway!

  1. that shower speaker rocks. Who doesn’t want their music blasting in the shower with them. Besides if my music is blasting no one can complain about my singing anymore.

  2. Wow! My husband would love that shower Boom thingee! He wouldn’t need to blast his bathroom stereo as loudly if he had that techy thing.

    My daughters all three have FitBits and LOVE them!

    Thanks for the ideas. I had no idea AT&T stocked such stuff in their stores. So fun!

  3. You’ve listed two things on my Christmas list- a FitBit and a good bluetooth speaker. Since I know my husband does most of his shopping on Christmas Eve, there’s plenty of time for me to share this link! Thanks Lois.

  4. I’ve heard so much about the FitBit! I’d love to try it myself actually… it seems super useful in ensuring you take the necessary amount of daily steps!

  5. I’m still looking for some last minute gifts. Thanks for the suggestions – these look great and just the right price. Happy Holiday, Lois

  6. I have all the basics, now moving on to the peripherals. I would love to try the mini jambox in my San Diego back yard

  7. It is a little late for me to get the shower speaker for Christmas but my husband has a birthday in January and I know he would love this. Going to order it.

  8. I love my Fitbit so highly recommend that product but what I “need”is the mini jambox. It would be great for playing music from my iPhone when traveling or outdoors.

  9. Wow. These all would be great for us! We didn’t exchange gifts this year so any of these would be wonderful. But if I don’t win I love your reviews because I always learn something new! You are the bomb! 🙂

  10. What great gift ideas! I have a fit bit on my Christmas list. Been hinting around to hubby. And bought one of the speakers for my nephew. Can’t go wrong with electronics these days.

  11. I spent some time in an AT&T store over the last couple of days and really saw all of these potential gifts first hand. I was very surprised at their selection.

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