my buick bucket list trip: gaylord opryland, part 1

Opryland overview
Inside — yes, inside! — Opryland.

After leaving Parnassus Books and picking up some donuts for the road, we headed to Gaylord Opryland, which we had been looking forward to since the beginning of our Buick Bucket List trip.

We’d already stayed in three different hotels in three nights – all fun, all very different – and now we’d be spending two nights here, which was great because the place is enormous and it would take longer than that for us to be able to find our room every time. Not kidding.

Opryland bridge

Opryland is a world in itself, with more than nine acres of indoor gardens and almost 3000 guest rooms. It’s all encased in a Hunger Games-like atrium which is filled with waterfalls, lush landscaping and thousands of exotic and tropical plants. It’s so beautiful, it’s easy to forget you’re still inside.

Opryland waterfalls lush

We dropped off our bags in our room, which was in the Delta section of the hotel and had a fantastic balcony where we would end up spending an inordinate amount of time. It’s important to remember what section you’re in because you will get lost. Over and over again. And you will laugh and enjoy the challenge because everyone else is lost, too. In fact, it becomes a real bonding experience among guests.

We were advised to keep an eye on the carpet, which was different for each section of the hotel. The Delta carpet was red so once we saw that, we’d know we were in the right place. We found the whole experience hilarious.

Opryland carpet

We thought it would be nice to take a boat tour – yes, there is a quarter mile river running inside Opryland – so we could learn more about the hotel. I definitely recommend this as a great way to explore and get a fascinating history lesson.

Opryland boat launch area

Our tour guide told us some amazing stories about the Nashville flood and how the hotel manager had thankfully made the unpopular but ultimately life-saving move to evacuate everyone early to be on the safe side. Just look at this red line, showing how high the flood waters came.

Opryland flood line

She also explained how, when the hotel was re-built, they sent out small Jack Daniel’s bottles (this is Tennessee, after all!) to every state in the country plus cities around the world to fill with water from their rivers. It was all poured together, representing 1700 bodies of water, and it flows beautifully and peacefully.

We loved this idea! And, apparently, so do many fish, including one the staff lovingly refers to as “the shark” because it usually has a fin above the surface, almost waving.

Opryland water

The boat ride was so relaxing, we could have floated around, admiring the scenery, all day.

Opryland L&M boat

But it was time for dinner. There are more than a dozen restaurants in Opryland and, after going through menus and β€œooh”-ing and β€œah”-ing a lot, we decided on Jack Daniel’s. You know, when in the South …

It was a great decision, although we did worry that it could be a problem because Michael has recently become a vegetarian and we were smack in the middle of barbecue heaven.

And I do mean heaven. Our waitress, Danielle, suggested we start with the pulled pork quesadilla which I immediately agreed to. I ordered ribs and Michael ordered a Caesar salad, explaining his situation.

Within minutes, Chef Jared was out of the kitchen.

Opryland Chef Jared and Danielle

“You can’t just have a Caesar salad here!” he chided him, telling him he would happily make him something special. When Michael said he didn’t want to put him out, Chef Jared looked at him and laughed. “I’m a chef,” he said. “I like to make different dishes.” (Important note: Chef Jared said he would do this for anyone who had any kind of dietary restrictions so don’t ever feel shy about asking.)

So while I was happily eating this

Opryland quesadilla

Michael was happily eating this!

Opryland soup

And then, Chef Jared brought out a portobello mushroom creation that was so delicious, Michael asked him if he would come home with us. I nodded, eagerly, because my mouth was full of ribs and a honey roll was poised to be next.

Opryland meal

Although we were so full, they could have rolled us out of there like one of those Jack Daniel’s whiskey barrels, we, of course, ordered dessert because, well — banana pudding cream pie.

Opryland banana pudding cream pie

We’re not stupid.

Chef Jared asked us where we were eating tomorrow night — a question that seemed unfathomable after we had just stuffed ourselves. He suggested we eat at Ravello, where his mentor was the Chef, and we immediately agreed to make a reservation.

As we waddled out of the restaurant, we realized we were right in time for the nightly Fountain Show.

Opryland purple fountain

Opryland green fountain


Opryland - L&M blue fountain

With water splashing 85 feet high to colored lights and music, it was beautiful and a perfect ending to a perfect day — and only a prelude to what would follow tomorrow.

57 thoughts on “my buick bucket list trip: gaylord opryland, part 1

  1. Nashville’s one of those cities you will leave a bit of your heart in – and be totally fine with that. What an experience you guys had there. Thanks for taking us along!

  2. Thanks for the vicarious vacation! I’ve been immobilized with a broken toe, so the only adventures I can go on are the ones I read about. LOVE the photos. You surely know how to live.

  3. That looks amazing, I really want to visit there one day. It looks like you two are having a fabulous time on your trip.

  4. I would be in heaven surrounded by all those indoor waterfalls! So jealous! I am definitely adding this to my extensive travel bucket list!

  5. I love taking photos and blogging about the places we go, it’s such a nice memory to share with others and you can look back years later and say “awee” and remember the good times you had. Great pictures, looks like you are having a great time!!

  6. Are you still in that damn Buick?! Good thing it’s comfy! I don’t know anyone who has done as comprehensive a tour of that area as you have. I must say it’s intriguing me a lot! I just might have to head that way next year.

  7. I am sitting here salivating over the food. That barbecue looks beyond amazing. Opryland sounds awesome! I would love to visit someday.

  8. What a fantastic trip. Made me wish I was there. Love the Jack Daniels water story and had to share with my husband – big Jack Daniels fan. We may have to consider it for our next vacations

  9. What a great trip! It’s more than a hotel, it’s a destination! And, it looks gorgeous! However, the photos of the food…I almost licked my screen!

  10. Your Buick Bucket List trip is getting better and better every day. That fountain show truly looks like the highlight of the evening. Nice pics. πŸ™‚

  11. That food looks absolutely amazing and I loved that you received special attention from the chef. I loved the story regarding the collecting of water from all the state. That is or was a great idea.

  12. The photos are beautiful and I would so love to go here. I’m so happy that you’re enjoying your bucket list trips.

  13. How beautiful!! Honestly I love places that feel like you are part of nature. I am actually scheduling a trip you go “glamping” soon! Glamorous + Camping. It looks really fun. You get massages and facials and then sleep outside in a tent. Love it!

    1. We went “glamping” in Africa last summer and it was amazing! More glam than camping, which is just how I like it. Have fun and can’t wait to hear about your trip!

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