“the age of adaline” movie review and giveaway!

The Age of Adaline

You may have seen the ads for The Age of Adaline and simply dismissed the movie as being geared toward a younger audience because it stars twentysomething Blake Lively in the title role.

But Adaline has a secret. She’s been 29 years old for almost eight decades, thanks to a freak accident which left her unable to age.

So, really, this is the perfect movie for baby boomers since we are often accused of not wanting to grow up. Trust me, any desire you have to be immortal is likely to disappear the minute you hear Ellen Burstyn call Blake Lively “mama.”

Although the plot itself has a number of holes and there’s a ridiculous narration that attempts to offer a scientific explanation for Adaline’s miracle, it’s worth suspending disbelief for a couple of hours to get lost in the story and consider the pros and cons of staying young forever.

Adaline easily beats everyone at Trivial Pursuit, having personally lived through many of the events covered in the game. She doesn’t need to have a lot of photos of herself because, as she admits, “If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.” She has an amazing wardrobe that would now be considered the height of vintage.

But I’m being glib. There are a lot of real issues raised here, and the movie takes its subject matter very seriously.

By outliving everyone, Adaline continually experiences great loss. Putting down her beloved dog is devastating – as it’s been with every pet for almost a century. Her elderly daughter is moving far away, where a warmer climate will be kinder to her bones. Adaline understandably refuses to get too close to anyone any more because how much sorrow can a person put themselves through?

So when she meets Ellis (Michiel Huisman), a handsome, funny and intelligent philanthropist more than 70 years her junior, her first instinct is to run. But she’s tired of being alone and she slowly allows herself to start falling in love with him.

Ellis takes Adaline to meet his parents (Harrison Ford and Kathy Baker) and events take a surprising turn, which I will not ruin for you here.

I enjoyed the performances, although I’m not sure if Lively’s stiffness is intentional and meant to convey her character’s old-school mannerisms and her wariness of the endless future she sees ahead of her, or if she just feels awkward with some of the material. She gives Adaline a regal attitude which may accurately represent the time period in which she grew up but feels a little too stilted. I think if I’m lucky enough to reach 107, I will more likely be walking around in yoga pants and sneakers and swearing like a sailor.

Ultimately, that’s the point of The Age of Adaline – and why you should see it.

It reminds us that life is finite and that, in many ways, that’s what makes it meaningful. It solidly brings home the fact that we should be embracing our age, proud to show off the laugh lines and love handles earned by living a rich, full life. We should be celebrating the wisdom that comes with age, remaining true to ourselves and unconcerned about what others think of us.

And, above all, we should be counting our blessings if we are lucky enough to have someone we love to grow old with.

The Age of Adaline arrives on Digital HD August 25, On Demand September 4 and on Blu-ray Combo Pack September 8 from Lionsgate Home Entertainment.

I’m giving away copies of The Age of Adaline to three Midlife at the Oasis subscribers. (If you’re not a subscriber, first sign up for my weekly newsletter in the right sidebar of this page.) For a chance to win, simply leave a comment below. For a second chance, tweet this:

[Tweet “Get out the tissues and enter to win #TheAgeofAdaline with #BlakeLively from #MidlifeattheOasis #giveaway”]

Contest ends on September 1 at midnight Pacific time. Winner will be notified by return email. Prizes can only be sent to a U.S. mailing address.

109 thoughts on ““the age of adaline” movie review and giveaway!

  1. I wanted to see it and missed it in the theaters. It sounds like a movie meant to make us midlifers stop and think about the passage of time and the painful loss of loved ones. Bittersweet, I’m sure.

  2. I was dying, dying to see this movie, it has the exact ingredients that make it my perfect movie. I knew there was no way my hubby would go to see it with me so I said “I’ll read the book.” Then I found out there is no book! Which was amazing. So I have been desperately waiting for its home release – cannot wait!

  3. I hadn’t planned on seeing it, but I have to admit that your review has totally changed my mind. So, a copy to watch in the comfort of my home would be greatly appreciated :). I’ll even pop some popcorn.

  4. I’m so glad you wrote this. While Blake is one of the few actresses I really like, I was definitely on the fence about this movie even after seeing the previews in the theater. I’m really excited about seeing it now after reading this!

  5. The Age of Adaline sounds like a story i would like. I will have to pick up a copy and watch it on movie night.

  6. I think this sounds like interesting subject matter, albeit kind of fantastical. I’m sure it would be tough to provide the audience with believable background on how this “accident’ could occur and cause someone to be immortal. Regardless, I’m grateful to not expect to live forever. I could never handle all the hearbreaking loss.

  7. I had forgotten about this move and yet wanted to see it. I will have to make a note so we can rent it when it is available. Living with three boys I need a good mom movie every now and then.

  8. I love your reviews, you make me smart when talking to my film student son. He, of course, knows everything…I love your reviews, You have saved me from some bad movies and sent me to some good ones!

  9. The movie was super cheesy, but overall the concept was very interesting and Harrison Ford really gave it some depth. Blake Lively, wow, what a beauty! I remember her from The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants movie when she was a teenager!

  10. Can’t wait to see the movie! Happy to send out the tweet to share your post. Recently learned about your blog through Suzanne through Tam. Looks interesting. Have a great retreat!

  11. I don’t generally like romantic movies. I didn’t like Titanic, that says it all. This movie was one of the few exceptions. I think this is a very intelligent and compelling movie. I would love to have this in my collection.

  12. I wasn’t sure about this movie until I read your review. Now I know I have to see it. I like the point of life being finite. I love movies that you can enjoy but make you think about the subject matter for a long, long time afterwards. I am an email subscriber.

  13. I haven’t seen the movie but I’m old enough to envy someone who can stay 29 forever. Thans for having the giveaway.

  14. I saw the previews and thought it sounded good, but now I’m convinced.

    I want to see this movie.

    Thanks for letting us know it really is good.

  15. I have been wanting to see this movie for so long now!! I adore Blake lively and would love to win this to watch with my family!!!

  16. i LOVED the movie & I’m obsessed with Blake Lively. Would love to add this to my gossip girl collection

  17. This sounds like a such a fascinating movie. It really makes you think about what life would be like if you never aged.

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