a is for apples. and so it begins.

The Fruit Company Alex and me apples

I was happily celebrating my final NaBloPoMo post this morning when my doorbell rang and the mail carrier handed me a package.

When I opened it and saw this box of gorgeous apples from The Fruit Company, my mouth started watering, remembering the juicy peaches they had sent me last year. The ones that were so juicy, they actually inspired Michael to write a post about them, too, in his own inimitable way — which you can read here.

The Fruit Company apples

I bit into one of the delicious apples — that’s delicious with a small d only because they’re actually Honeycrisp apples, not Delicious — and all I could think about was that I had to share these with all of you through a blog post. And since A is for Apples, well, it was just too tempting not to commit to going all the way through the alphabet in December, right?

Maybe we should start with type A?

Anyway, back to the apples.

I think apples have gotten a bad rap in many ways. Snow White was poisoned with one. Adam and Eve got kicked out of the garden of Eden for eating one. We’re told that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, which makes them sound like medicine.

The Fruit Company apple bite

All I can tell you is that I will happily eat one of these every day until they’re gone because they are sweet and crunchy with just the right touch of tartness. I tempted Michael and Alex with them, too, which wasn’t hard to do because they got a waft of sweetness as soon as I opened the box.

I love the way The Fruit Company packs their fruits, lovingly swaddling each piece in its own little protective netting. Their boxes are also beautiful works of art and, because I was smart enough to keep the peaches box, I’m now starting a collection.

The Fruit Company apple box and card

I just checked out their website to dream about future packages — thank you, The Fruit Company! — but noticed that they’re having a gigantic CyberMonday sale which I don’t want you to miss. So I’m posting this now and will go back and spend time there afterwards.

Check back here tomorrow when B just may be for blueberries.

71 thoughts on “a is for apples. and so it begins.

  1. Or bananas. LOL!

    I love apples. They are, far and away, my favorite fruit. I’m partial to a Granny Smith my own self.

    Love the alphabet challenge, by the way. I’m focusing on joy this month, though. That’s going to be difficult enough for me 🙂

  2. I am an apple addict (another A) and Honeycrisp apples are one of my favorite varieties. Yum! Nature’s candy, right?

    1. I will save you an apple because you are both evil temptresses. I love B is for bribery — maybe there’s a B is for blog post in there?! xo

  3. I have never heard of the fruit company but now that I have I am going to check them out. Unfortunately for me I won’t be getting apples since I’m allergic to apples. Weird right? 🙂

  4. Oh my goodness. I am an apple lover ever since my grandfather introduced me to them. He had a few apple trees and he’d make his own applesauce and freeze it. So so so so so tasty. This reminds me of him. I need to get my butt in gear and get me some of these great apples for myself!

  5. Those apples look absolutely delicious (with the little d of course)! I love the idea of going through the alphabet in December.

  6. Just looking at that wonderful photo of the apples made me get up and get an apple to enjoy. I love apples and eat one every day – so tonight I am eating my second apple of the day. Your photo and post inspirited and tempted me

  7. I love Honeycrisp apples – what a treat to see a whole box of them! I am now dreaming about the letter B… Buttery Donuts or Blueberry Muffins or Ben and Jerry’s…?

  8. I absolutely love apples. We pass a sign daily that gives a warning about apples on the highway and yet I still eat them. There is a quarantine from one point to the other – can not recall the specifics of it though. It does not stop me from stopping and picking apples to eat on the way though!

  9. Just looking at those apples made me want one and I know I ate the last one in the fridge yesterday. So…Z is for sleep and that’s where I’m headed. Might I might dream about apples.

  10. Yummy!!! I need some apples to make apple cake. Or if anyone has a great recipe for pie – who doesn’t like pie?!! – pie would work too.

  11. Yum, I want fruit delivered to my door there is never enough fruit in the house because the kids eat it all gone before I have a chance to get to the store to pick up more having them delivered is a great service.

  12. I really love Honeycrisp apples. So big and juicy. That’s awesome to have them delivered. Saves you the trouble for picking all the good ones!

  13. Lucky you! Honeycrisp are at the top of my list of fave apples, but I usually end up buying Gala because Honeycrisp are more expensive. We go through phases in our house with apples. My husband is in a Granny Smith binge… and NOT in baked goods, just as is.

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