a post-election action plan for nasty women and bad hombres

safety pin

Like many people, I spent yesterday – the day after the election – grieving for the future of our country.

But today, inspired by Hillary herself, I am back up and ready to fight for the true United States – you know, the one where the Statue of Liberty welcomes immigrants; where all citizens have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation or religion; and where there’s a distinct separation between church and state.

I’m mad as hell about having to defend rights we’ve already fought so hard to win, and I’m appalled at the racism, sexism and violence that’s been unleashed during this election by the President-elect, but I’m going to put all of that outrage, devastation and energy into taking action.

I'll be with you

I have also been inspired by the emotional stories shared by the three million plus members of my not-so-secret Facebook group, and I was really drawn to author Catherine McKenzie‘s post-election plan to do three things a day to prepare for the new regime.

So here are a few simple ways to be productive, which I’ve picked up from her and all the other amazing people who care passionately about keeping our country safe for all its citizens.

Pick and choose as you see fit, and PLEASE add anything else you can think of in the comments. I will continue to update this list and will add links to everything to make all of this as easy as possible.

Remember we are #StrongerTogether


* First, please take a few minutes to write a thank you note to Hillary. I promise this will make both of you feel good 🙂

Hillary Clinton
Post Office Box 5256
New York, NY 10185-5256

* Volunteer or donate (some people are donating in Hillary’s name as a show of respect and gratitude) to these organizations, and make sure to “like” them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.  Social media numbers actually show support, which is crucial to politicians considering who to back. I think the reasons for these specific groups are self-explanatory but, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Planned Parenthood   https://www.facebook.com/PlannedParenthoodAction/  https://twitter.com/PPact

ACLU                                                    https://www.facebook.com/aclu.nationwide  https://twitter.com/ACLU

NAACP                                                                                                                  https://www.facebook.com/naacp/  https://twitter.com/NAACP

EMILY’S LIST                                                                                              https://www.facebook.com/emilyslist/    https://twitter.com/emilyslist

350.ORG                                                                                                          https://www.facebook.com/350.org/  https://twitter.com/350

Southern Poverty Law Center                                                                    https://www.facebook.com/SPLCenter/  https://twitter.com/splcenter

Americans United for Separation of Church and State          https://www.facebook.com/americansunited/ https://twitter.com/americansunited

* Money talks. Boycott all Trump brands and retailers who carry them. Check out   #GrabYourWallet

* Boycott New Balance for supporting Trump

* Let Nordstrom know you will not be shopping there again until they get rid of all Trump brands

December 19* Sign this petition for the Electoral College to elect Hillary Clinton President on December 19.  She won the popular vote, and they actually have the power to do this. Here’s more info about it.

Use this as your Facebook profile picture until then:


* Make sure your passport is valid for at least the next 4 years. If it expires before then, consider renewing it now anyway.

* Pay for digital subscriptions to newspapers and magazines like the New York Times, the Washington Post and Newsweek to encourage a return to “real” journalism.

* Read these Concrete Suggestions in Preparation for January regarding issues including immigration, LGBT, birth control, disabilities.

* Wear a safety pin to show that you’re a safe person for victims of hate crimes.

* Make sure that everyone you know in Louisiana votes for Foster Campbell in the runoff election next month. That would add one more crucial Democratic Senate seat.

*  Speak up – for yourself and for those in need. This is not the time to be silent.


13 thoughts on “a post-election action plan for nasty women and bad hombres

  1. I got my safety pin out a few days ago when I read about the Brexit acts. Just a good idea. Signed the petition. Going to the vigil at my city hall tomorrow night. Writing columns for publications. Acting. My husband and I are shocked, bereft and so broken up about his election. But we’re acting.

    1. That’s great, Carol. We have to keep going, no matter how impossible this situation seems. And it does seem impossible.

  2. Thank you, Lois. I am sharing this important information. It is really helpful to have an action plan while still recovering from the devastation.

    1. It feels important to be productive but I am totally in shock and think I’ll remain in that state for the next four years.

  3. After the bleakness of election night, a few ofo us from my book club got together to vent, hold each other’s hand, cry on each other’s shoulders. Then we got talking about what we could do–what needed to be done–to keep the most vulnerable of our neighbors safe from the safety net holes that are coming. We decided to target inner city high school students and are now researching ways we be effective and our support welcomed. In short, we have a new motto: Stop Stewing; Start Doing.
    Pass it on.

  4. I have my safety pin and will start wearing it! I had already committed to moving my annual donations to many of these causes. I wrote Nordstrom and they have no plan on bringing back trump’s products but they are keeping his daughter’s lines. I said that I loved their store, but can’t return until all trump merchandise is done.

  5. Thank you Lois for the excellent suggestions to keep moving forward. It tears me apart that our country elected such an awful human being. I’m being told to give him a chance, but how can he be so vile during the campaign and change his stripes as president? I’ll thank Hillary and pray that smart, strong women will not be dissuaded from entering politics and will continue to rise to the top.

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