November is National Family Caregivers Month, and I’m thrilled to partner with Midlife Boulevard to bring you this important public service information.
I recently saw The Theory of Everything, which immediately became one of my favorite movies of the year and will probably win a Best Actor Oscar for Eddie Redmayne who portrays world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking.
What struck me most about the film, though, is that, to me, it’s really the story of Jane Wilde (Felicity Jones), who was not only Hawking’s lover, wife and the mother of his children but also his caregiver. It is unlikely he would have lived as long as he did, never mind accomplish so much and write a bestselling book that sold more than 10 million copies, without her unwavering support and sacrifice.
So, when my friends at Midlife Boulevard invited me to participate in a campaign to raise awareness for National Family Caregivers Month, I had to do it in honor of Jane.
There are 42 million people in the U.S. caring for family members or friends. They are not paid for what they do, although they’re providing an estimated $450 BILLION worth of care. In fact, they’re often juggling their own jobs and families at the same time.
Because this can be highly stressful work that is both physically and emotionally draining, caregivers are at high risk for depression and anxiety immunosuppression, cardiovascular disease, premature aging and other physiological consequences. They also frequently suffer from financial problems.
AARP has created a much-needed community of experts and other caregivers to help at There’s a wealth of information available there, including:
* Prepare to Care (Caregiving Planning Guide for Families)
* 12 Resources Every Caregiver Should Know About
* Free eBook: Juggling Work and Caregiving
* 10 Tips for Caregivers During the Holidays
These are great resources, which I hope you’ll share with any caregivers you know. Keep them bookmarked for yourself, as well.
AARP and the Ad Council have just launched new public service announcements that illustrate how the changing roles of parents and children can really impact your life.
Here’s a look at one of them:
Caregivers are truly our unsung heroes. They deserve to be celebrated and thanked every day but please take a special moment to reach out to one this month.
We all need each other. And we all need to take care of each other.
Ultimately, that’s really the theory of everything.
I can’t wait to see this movie. And thanks for all the valuable information on caregiving. We’re all at a point where we are entering that phase, in one way or another, aren’t we?
The time I spend as caregiver to my good friend is a gift in so many ways.
It is a gift – for both of you!
I am looking forward to that movie! A LOT. Care giving can be a challenge, but it is what it is 🙂 When you love someone you take care of them!
I haven’t seen this movie but I have to now! You know me and my story so I will just say it is the hardest, scariest but also the most wonderful job I have ever taken on. If it weren’t for my support system (all of you at MLB) I don’t think I would have gotten through this last year as well as we have. Right now we are doing great but you know that can change at any time. One day at a time is the way to go. No expectations. Thanks so much for bringing awareness to this important cause.
You are such an inspiration, Rena, and you deserve to be celebrated daily. xo
What a great article. Caregiving is about more than just being in your loved one’s presence. It’s a lot of work. You need to know what you’re getting into.
This is a great post. I have a friend who recently started caring for a family member. I’m going to pass this along.
Thank you so much for this post! I am sharing it with many.
Care giving is something that takes alot of work and patience but is rewarding to the person you are caring for and also self rewarding.
I haven’t seen this movie, but I did see the one about Stephen Hawking in which he was played by Benedict Cumberbatch. I remember saying to my daughter that I was impressed by their relationship, his and Jane’s. I’m sure it wasn’t easy for either of them.
My neighbor is a care giver. I will definitely be celebrating caregivers month with her. I love your saying – “We all need each other. And we all need to take care of each other.” SO TRUE!
You know how I feel about caregivers, so I’m so glad you paid tribute to an important one, Lois. Great job.
I’m very familiar with Steven Hawking, but I had no idea that his wife was his caregiver! Such a testament to that woman! I love that you’re recognizing these unsung heroes!
This is such a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing these. Care givers really have it tough.
I wish there was a supplement for caregivers because it is and can be a hard and expensive job. This movie looks like a must see for everyone.
I am not in the position of caregiving yet mainly b/c our family is out of town. It is a tough position to be in
I never heard of this movie so thanks for the recommendation. I was a caregiver for my mother in the last few years of her life. I loved her (and still do) very much and wouldn’t have traded that time for anything.
So many new films coming out that I haven’t even heard of!
My mom was my nana’s caregiver the last year of her life.
It was stressful on the entire family. 🙁
Thanks for sharing this. The video is a real tearjerker. I myself am a caregiver to my 24 year old son, who suffered an anoxic brain injury 2 years ago, and my dad is currently caring for my mom who has Alzheimer’s. It’s a tough job.
I’m so sorry you’re going through all this, Christina. Sending you big hugs.
I love this project. My mother was the caregiver to my stepdad for six years after his massively debilitating stroke. She was so courageous and diligent and needed as much support as the support she gave. Thanks for this.
I have been the caregiver to both my mom and dad, and it’s incredibly tough. It takes a lot of patience and love.
I wholeheartedly agree that caregivers are the unsung heroes. No one, unless they are in the situation, truly understands all the go through.
I was a caregiver to my grandmother and I will always cherish those memories. Great post.
Really a beautiful way to connect the Hawking film and National Caregivers Month, Lois!
I saw the preview in the theater the other day, and I was in awe of her commitment and dedication. She’s the perfect person from whom to draw inspiration.
I would totally watch this one. It looks very fascinating!
It is so wonderful how much information is out there now to support caregivers, I only wish I had resources like that when I took care of J’s grandmother in our home. The film looks interesting, thanks for featuring it, he was lucky to have her.
This movie is definitely on my list to see. I’d like to believe there’s a special place in heaven for caregivers.
I can’t wait to see this movie! Caregivers are most definitely some of the most important people in life! Absolutely!
Thank you for bringing attention to this important topic about caregivers. I am glad the movie brings attention to it too. I saw the trailer to the movie last time I went to the movie and I thought at the time that this is a “must see.” I can’t wait until it comes to my area
Caregivers are the unsung, un-celebrated heroes of our time. Thank you for spreading the good word. We all have caregiving stories and have seen a wide variety of situations in our lives. Transitions are hard and caregivers are the ones who cut the path for us.
I’ve never seen the movie but I would love to. Caregiving is such a service of love. I’m about to go and take care of my mother in a few weeks myself as well.
As a former nurse’s assistant, I realize just how important care givers are to the elderly, or even the young!
I didn’t know anything about this, but totally agree that caregivers do so very much. thanks for sharing.
I really want to see this movie. And the links you shared are so helpful. The ebook, especially, would be great for a few people I know who are caregivers. (And myself before I’m in that position.)
That movie is on my must see list, and this post is on my must share list of resources.
Though her time was relatively short from diagnosis until death, but I have always considered caring for my sister-in-law/best friend a privilege. I have the utmost compassion for those that are long term care givers.
Great post, Lois!
I really want to see this movie also. I saw the trailer in the theater a couple of weeks ago and might see it soon.
My praise goes out to all of the caregivers out there. I have done some of this myself over the past few years and I certainly have compassion for both those you care for and for you, the caregiver.
It takes alot to be a caregiver. Jane Wilde is a strong person for doing that.
Great tribute to caregivers Lois. They are the backbone of our nation and need to be celebrated.
Caregivers do so much that goes unnoticed on a day to day basis. I love working with the caregivers since they give so much for so little in return.
I haven’t heard of The Theory of Everything movie before, but seems like a really interesting one. Can’t wait to see it. My husband’s grandmother is in a nursing home, but she still has a caregiver so that she would have somebody with her all the time.
I saw a commercial for the movie last night. It looks like it’s going to be a good one. Hubby and I will have to check it out.
Behind every good man…. or so they say. 🙂 It does sound good!
That movie sounds wonderful. I have witnessed such love from caregivers – those taking care of aging parents and special needs children. Support and the knowledge they aren’t alone is so needed.
I did not know this was a month to celebrate caregivers. It is such a good idea.
It’s scary, and my mother is not even close to needing a caregiver, but her father is. I’m seeing roles quickly change, and preparing for when it will be my turn. Great job AARP!
Boy, is THIS timely. I’m so glad I stopped by. I will be forwarding to my sister. Thanks Lois.
Sending you a big hug, Cheryl.
My aunt was a caregiver for my grandfather: she suffered from depression afterwards because it is too much. Thank you for sharing the light about this project and I can’t wait to watch the movie.
I have seen this first hand as my mom is taking care of my ailing dad. He has gone downhill fast and I see it taking its toll on her as well.
Being a caregiver to a family member can be an incredibly hard thing to do. Caregivers are truly heroes in my eyes.
Totally agree with you – caregivers are amazing, amazing people…They are worth so so much to our society, but don’t get the recognition they deserve. So glad there’s a National Caregivers Month.
Caregivers have such an important and amazing role in the lives of so many. Nice to highlight them and what they do.
Caregivers are angels…plain and simple! I’m in awe of them!
As parents we are caregivers. I just hope when I’m old and need caring my kid will be there for me =)
I’ve never heard of the movie, my curiosity is peaked. Some of the best memories from my childhood were the years my grandfather lived with us. I miss him dearly and treasure all the lessons I learned while he was in our home.
I’m going to share your post with my mom. She is overwhelmed caring for my grandmother with advanced dementia. These are wonderful resources!
My nana is approaching ninety, and I’ve seen the way caring for her takes a toll on my mom and her siblings. There is a lot of sacrifice involved.
This hits so very close to home. My Mother in Law just got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and has a few weeks to live. I will be helping out but am also scared to since I just lost my Dad in January.
Oh, I am so sorry, Chrissy. Sending you love.
I am so happy that AARP is giving caregivers the recognition they deserve as well as the resources to help them do this difficult job. Thank you for sharing this and I can’t wait to see The Theory of Everything.